CHAPTER 8 : Cedric Yu

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Vienna POV

It's already time for dinner and it's good to know that my parents are here. It's unusual because as I mentioned they are always on work and not going home sometimes as if I'm only living with grandmy, maids and bodyguards.

"How's your day Vienna dear?" asked daddy as he take a sit, nasa bandang kanan niya si mom. Grandmy also take her sit, I remembered again what just happened earlier. Pathetic hypocrites.

It's cheap nerd's fault, hindi siya tumitingin sa bolang tatama sa kanya. Isn't just too OA? Ganun na ba siya ka-lampa para mapaupo agad sa sahig, and there's the i-don't-care-about-her-name reaction. Akala mo siya pa yung natamaan ng bola, I can't help to gritted my teeth in annoyance. Damn it, just damn it!


"Y-yes dad?"

"What's wrong?" he asked, tumigil siya sa pag nguya niya at mataman akong tiningnan, pati sila grandmy at mommy. Like what?

"Nothing dad." There's no need to know what's going on, on my day, right?

"How's Louise?" Bigla na namang napunta sa kanya ang usapan. What the hell.

"Dad seriously? Why are you always mentioning her name? Can I just go to my room now?" I asked as I grab the napkin.

"Vienna masamang hindi inuubos ang pagkain, wag kang magsalita ng ganyan sa daddy mo." saway sa akin ni grandmy, napatingin ako sa kanya nang nagtataka. Ang seryoso naman masyado ni grandmy ngayon. Kaya sinunod ko na lang siya.

"What's with that cheap nerd dad? She was --"

"Vienna your mouth." mommy give me a stern look, this time it's her turn to shut me up. Like seriously?

"Okay fine. I'm sorry. What's with her? She was so stupid earlier, imagine ang gaan lang naman nung bola ng volleyball pero ang lampa niya kaya napaupo siya kanina. Gosh." para matigil na sa kakatanong sila dad sinabi ko na kung anong nangyari sa cheap na yun. Tss.

Dahil lang ba sa kaalyado lang ni daddy si Tito Arthuro Lazaro na tatay naman ng cheap na yun? Ganun lang ka-concern si dad? There's no need to concern about that nerd, remember? She has this pathetic girl shining armor. Talking about the cheaps.

"And it was your fault?" gosh akala ko titigil na sa pagtatanong si dad. Why he cares a lot of that girl? I'm not that jealous just because my own dad gives that cheap an attention like duh she's not worth it to be jealous of.

"Pardon dad? As I was said it was an accident." I really want to roll my eyes right now, I'm just restraining from doing it. I really just want to go in my room and fckng sleep! Nothing more.

"I know you're tired honey but we're going to tell something."

"What is it dad?" I really hate scenes like this argh. Natinginan pa sila bago magsalita ulit si dad.

"You're going to get married."



"Who?!" like seriously I have a bad feeling on this, inulit ko baka nabingi lang ako.Dad sighed deeply before he utter a word.


Fck. Damn it.

"Dad you're kidding right? I seriously don't have a time for joke time dad, my body needs a rest." I was about to leave the table when dad sternly speak.

"Who said I'm making fun Vienna Cheng? I said you're going to get married!" OMFG of cucumbers! Mukhang seryoso nga si dad sa sinabi niya. No! Ipapakasal ako sa lalaking di ko pa nakikilala? WTF?!

Secretly Married A Nerd (GirlxGirl) [Complete/Editing]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon