chapter 2

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After this morning I wasn't in a brilliant mood but then I entered my office, I feel so ready for this. I KNOW, I KNOW! Call me a freak but I love my job!! I mean that is the reason why I chose to go to university, I wanted to be a physiotherapist...and look at me! I am one! I let out a small laugh, I'm always internally talking to myself, but I can't blame myself, I'm an awesome conversationalist! A laughed again but this time Sabrina walked into my office, "morning doc! Aren't you looking absolutely WONDERFUL-"

"Sabrina I'm wearing scrubs, what do you want?" I cut her off with a monotone response, I know when this girl is up to something in fact I know when most people are up to something, It's my special gift. "Uhmmm well why would you say that?" I raised my eyebrows and she sighed heavily knowing it was too late to cover up, "okay! Okayyyyy! I know you like to have all medical records and meet the patient beforehand but, I'm so sorry, Mrs. Dranker called in today and she said I was an emergency and then I  told her I could schedule her later on today but since you have no patients right now-"

"RINNI you are rambling!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Dranker is here right now" is that all she wanted, honestly this girl is crazy if she thinks I would turn down a patient "okay cool, send her in then" I flashed her a warm smile and took a seat behind my desk. She froze in utter shock,  "are you serious?" , "Omg rinni,I can't be coming off as that scary!" she mumbled something under her breathe, scratched her head and left. I couldn't help myself, I turned over and laughed until my insides cramped, Sabrina is a high school dropout, I never asked any questions why, but she is a sweet girl who always puts priority to her work before anything else. She is our secretary and schedules all appointments, not easy for just a 17 year old girl, but she makes it look like a walk in the park. Darien is always teasing me that I scare her so much, but it's not like I do anything! I promise I'm innocent! Just the mere thought of my darry made me smile, making forget of the reason he even came to mind in the first place, I pulled out my phone and decided to text him, only to realise I already had a text from my baby.

I miss you already Xxxxxxx :* -Darry

Of course you miss me, I'M FABULOUS! ;) X-Danny

I got a text message instantly but I couldn't open it as Mrs Dranker had already been rolled  into my office. i smiled brightly at her, "good morning ma'am! I'm Mrs. Raff or Doctor Daneen, you may call me which ever you want, I really don't mind" as said as I reached over and shook her frail hands. she smiled back at me, making her face crinkle in intricate lines," Hello dear, I'm Floeura Dranker ,I'm sorry about seeing you on such a short notice" guilt was evident on her face, and I didn't want her to feel that way, I welcomed my patients with open arms, I immediately told her exactly what I was thinking, it re assured her immensely and I could see her visibly relax in her wheel chair. "What seems to be the problem Mrs. Dranker?" I said as I examined her aging face, she definitely is beautiful even at her age, her eyes had a playful gleam in the depths of her grey iris' and her face was pale but you could see she had tried to make herself look like she had more colour, by adding a light bronzer on, which I think wasn't necessary.

She immediately told me that her heel had been hurting her a lot, that is why she had to be in a wheel chair. My heart sunk a little, I hated seeing people in pain. Ah! There is no need to fear! Daneen is here!!! I thought majestically as I started massaging her foot. " Mrs Dranker, your heel is sore because you are experiencing dropped arch, it's nothing to worry about, it is very common. Dropped arch is when this arch you have here begins to fall and your foot becomes what is known as flat footed, it happens because the tendons have been weakened, but it's nothing a little physical therapy won't fix, alright." I explained to her while massaging and pointing to the areas of her foot affected. She nodded silently, I could tell she was relieved it wasn't too bad, and so was i. Old people do not deserve pain, they've been through life, which is horrible, and I think that's enough for them, and at least they should get a happy old age. I wrote down a timetable of how many times she would need to come to see me while she was practising the exercises I showed her for her foot. With a thankful look she bid me good bye and I called Sabrina to lead her out.  such a sweet , old lady. I thought,oddly enough she looks familiar, maybe I have seen her in a store or something.

Brushing of the thought of her I went back to my cell phone and read the text from darry

Baby  <3 are we talking dirty because then I agree, you are fabulous ;) ;)  if you know what I mean ;)

I laughed out loud to that one, and decided to go visit him since I didn't have any more patients till the next hour. Darrin and I own the practise, we both major in the medical field, I am the physiotherapist and he is one of the general doctors at our practise. When I reached his work room I listened in, he didn't have any patients! Score!!

I opened the door silently and saw him staring out of the window while sipping at his cappuccino. I crept up to him and my arms folded around his waist and started nipping at his ear," oh doctor,  I'm ready" I said in a flirty voice, he turned around to face me, somehow my arms where still on his waist when he did this, and he managed to put his coffee on the window sill. I swear my husband is a ninja. He smiled lovingly down at me, this sexy hunk of a man stood at 1, 92 cm while I stood at 1, 67 cm, I looked at him from under my eyelashes in an attempt to look sexy," I'm ready for my body scan doctor" I whispered, while sneaking my fingers past his waist band of his scrub bottoms and began rubbing circles on his hip bone. "Well I better get started then" he whispered back, lifting me up and placing me on the window sill, I instinctively secured my legs firmly around him, bringing him close enough to feel his bulging member.  i jutted my lower lip out as he removed my lab coat. The whole uniform consists of, scrubs, a lab coat and Tommy tackies, I don't even know why we wear them, but Darrien says it looks more professional. He was taking off my lab coat but it was  too slow for my liking and we were both wearing too much clothing. I began lifting his scrub top when he stopped me," no no Mrs. Raff, the body scan protocol calls for me doing it, not you" he said while kissing my neck going lower with each word. Dangerously lower. Instead of responding I gave him a low moan and tightened my legs around him, his excited member poking harder on me causing him to groan in return and he removed my scrub top in one swift movement. His one hand shifted my bra strap off my shoulder while the other massaged my nipple through the shear fabric. My back arched into him and his kissing where getting rougher on the roundness of my left breast. Just as things were getting steamy the door swung open, "doctor Daa—OOH- O MY GGOD!! I'm –m oh god I'm so sorry, I'm-"  it was young Sabrina, the minute she spotted our intimate posture she covered her eyes and rambled off her shock. Darrien and I remained in each other's embrace and when she turned around to leave the room was silent for exactly 2 seconds...then Darrien and I shared a knowing look before bursting into fits of laughter, even though we should be embarrassed, we really aren't. Everyone knows were married so if were caught doing naughty things they should understand. "That was hilarious-"  I breathed out between my laughter, "did you see her face she was like ahhh!" Darrien's uneven voice matched mine. The moment we shared a few minutes ago was forgotten and we were both bent over laughing our asses off. "We are ever so professional" I laughed some more, just then they was a knock on the door before Sabrina's voice floated through with obvious embarrassment," I'm sorry uhm doctor Darrien, I uhm, your next patient is uhm waiting, sorry,to- to disturb" her unsteady voice riled up a whole new string of laughter, after nearly five minutes we were almost calm and I started getting dressed again, Darry hugged me from behind when I was done and whispered," I love you baby, we'll finish this appointment later" his tone grew slightly husky at the end and I giggled before answering in a British accent, "damn right we will" I winked and he spanked my bottom as I began to leave, giggles bubbled out from me again and I blew a kiss to him, "see you later, doc"

I walked pass Sabrina's desk and she fixed her gaze down blushing bright red, I cleared my throat as I put my hands on her desk. Poor Rinni, her blush deepened and she pretended to be busy, I just laughed and began walking away before she stopped me, "Moor burn college uhm yeah uhh called,you're needed right away" I turned to face her still amused by her actions, " Rinni, what you saw-"

"IMM ss sorry!!! I didn't mean to,you knnnow" she cut me off quickly

I laughed again, "it's okay, really, please inform the school that I am on my way aaaand..Oh yes! I need them to email me his medical number and personal information, okay!"

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