Chapter 19

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She catwalks her way towards our table and with each step she takes, the more tense and nervous I get. Harry doesn’t seem to notice, since he is facing his back to her. She smirks but it holds a meaning, a very deep meaning I can’t quite understand. I was having the time of my life with Harry that I might not have again. Like ever. And now here we have Ms. Evil Queen to ruin the time. How annoying.

“Hi Harry.” She says as soon as she gets to our table, towering over Harry.

Harry looks up from his food and his expression changes to...Hatred? Why?

“What are you doing here?” He asks her like she is not wanted. Oh right! Because she is not.

Rebecca’s expression falls from Harry’ rude comment but Harry continues to glare at her. I look back and forth between them two but they stay like that for what seems like hours.

“ least try to be friendly with me.” She says and turns to me and I begin to feel nervous.

“And how are you Laura? Having fun?” She says with an evil smirk and I want to smack it off her face. Her eyes grow dark and I don’t know how to respond. I look over to Harry so he can answer for me, but then again he doesn’t. Trying to build up my confidence, I stupidly state.

“Yes, I am fine, thank you.” I say and Rebeccas creamy eyes continue to burn inside me. “I really think I should be going.” I begin to get up but Harry starts to talk.

“No! You won’t go anywhere.” He says and his words could not come out more perfectly.

“Oh, but I think she needs to.” Rebecca interrupts.

“No, she doesn’t.” Harry defends me.

“Well, she does because we need to talk.” Rebecca says as soon as Harry stops.

I look back and forth between Rebecca and Harry who are battling against each other. Why? I thought they loved each other and that they were ‘dating’.

“No, we don’t, because what’s done is done and I won’t go through anymore and talk about it again and again.” Harry says, his anger boiling up.

Rebecca stays quiet for a while as she glares at Harry, but then turns her attention away and looks at me, giving me a strange look which looks like she might take revenge of Harry’ words on me. Gladly, she looks back at Harry and opens her mouth to speak.

“Haven’t you told her yet?” She says angrily and jealousy is crystal clear in her voice.

“Told what?” Harry says, pulling up a confused face. My phone decides to vibrate in my small purse I have been carrying, as soon as Harry says that.

“That...” Rebecca starts to say but I have to interrupt her this time.

“Sorry guys, but I have got a call to receive. I will be right back.” I say and get up to leave from the table, leaving them behind to talk whatever the heck they want to. As much as I hate to receive this call, I don’t want to sit there and listen to what Rebecca has to say because I know it will hurt me. Somehow the other, she always does. Even though we have only met once but that was enough for me to take in and I can’t let her say those hateful things to me anymore. But the way they were behaving today was pretty strange. They must have had a fight and that could be the reason why Harry came to me, to be friends with him. Is that so? Really? I thought for once that maybe we could be friends but looks like he was using me a company. How rude? Well, maybe I shouldn’t judge him. Maybe he does want to be friends with me and he has that intention in him. Maybe.

I move as far away from the table as possible but find out that the only place I can go is toilets. I ask one of the waiters for the directions of the toilets. I thank him politely and make my way as the guy told me. I open the toilet door swiftly, which says ‘Women’ on it.

I open my purse clutch and take out my phone. 3 Missed Calls from my mother. Oh no! Why is she going to call me? I begin to get stressed as I dial my mother’s number.

“Laura?!” She answers with my name straight away as if she was waiting for me to call her.

“Yes, mum. What happened?” I ask her.

“Where were you? I have trying to call you for such a long time.”

“Sorry, Mum, I am at friend’ house and my phone were on silent.”  I lie, obviously.

“Ok, never mind dear. I just wanted to say that I just came to visit you. And oh yeah, Louis is with me.” She says and as soon as she says that, I have a mini heart attack.

“W-w-what?”  I stammer.

“I and Louis are coming to visit you so please come back to your dorm. We have trying to reach you but you’re not there, so please come back quickly, me and Louis are waiting outside. Come quickly. Bye.” She says and hangs up the phone before giving me a chance to talk.

“Hello? Hello? Mum?” I begin to worry, check my phone from my ear again and again to make sure if she has really cut the line and as I guessed, she has.

 What? Wait. She can’t do this to me. Oh my God. What shall I do?

(Hey Guys. I know this chapter is short but don't worry I am updating today again. Love you all for all your votes. Keep voting and commenting. Love You Alot xx <3 <3 I will be updating after an hour or two xx ) 

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