Chapter 32

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Laura's POV

"The food is really good. This is after a long time since the last dinner I have tasted some awesome home food." I say as we are having breakfast at the dining table.

Yesterday when Harry came barging into my room, I had no idea he would be sleeping there all night with me, which he did. I didn't know how to behave so I went along with what I should do. I decided to keep my distance from him while sleeping  but because it was a single bed, it was damn difficult. 

Harry and I slept alright last night, I am really glad that he doesn't sleep talk or sleep walk, but when I woke up in the morning I was a bit surprised he was still there, his mouth slightly open inhaling and exhaling his soft feather-like breathing. 

I had a few problems when I got up and went to the bathroom to find out I don't have my toothbrush. I started to panic until I found Anne and thankfully, she gave me a new spare toothbrush in the house. She is a lifesaver. 

I got out of the bathroom only to find Harry coming out of the spare guest room right opposite the bathroom. He looked sleepy but cute as anything else in this universe. I don't think I have ever seen anything cuter than this person, standing in his boxers, in front of me. 

After a few awkward glances at each other, he heads into the bathroom as I head into the spare bedroom.

A few minutes later, I head downstairs to find Anne making breakfast when Harry decided to join us. Now here I am, trying to make a conversation with them so it wouldn't be awkward for Harry and I. 

"Of course, after all I made it." Anne comments on my compliment about her food.

We all laugh slightly because she does have a humor, just like her son.

Silence falls between us like fire burning through the fuel, but then at that moment I decide to speak.

"Not like I am not happy here, but I think I should be making my way home." I say and I see Anne's face fall.

"Aw, are you really leaving?" Anne asks.

"I have to though, I could have stayed but..." I trail off.

"But what? Harry said that you don't have any work to do this weekend." She looks back and forth between Harry and I. She must be suspecting something happened between us..

"I have to get back and do some of my assignments that I haven't done-" A ringing of a phone interrupts me while I'm speaking.

Harry gets up from the table and makes his way towards the counter to pick his phone up.

"Hello?" He says into the speaker.

He frowns as he holds up his index finger to let us know that he will be back in a moment. I look at Anne at the same time she turns to look at me from her son leaving the room. 

"Is something wrong? I mean, I don't want to be nosey but..." Surprisingly, Anne requires.

I am caught off guard, resulting my answer to come out as stutters at first.

"No...why..what..why would you think that? I mean, Harry and I are just friends. I don't think so we can be any more than friends since there is that girl Rebecca. She is too insecure about Harry so no, to answer your question, there is nothing going on between us. Yes, Harry is nice and all at times but I don't think so..." I trail off from my long speech as Harry emerges in throw the kitchen door frame and takes his seat again on the seat he was sat in before he was interrupted by the phone call. 

I don't notice but I realise that Anne and I have been staring at him since he entered the kitchen.

"What? What's wrong?" He looks back and forth between and Anne and I, which causes me to look at Anne and then back at the plate.

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