Chapter 28

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Laura’s POV

There is something I have noticed about Zayn’s childhood that we nearly have the same childhood that I sometimes think that he is talking about me. We grew up with the same influence of our mothers and had a high school life with no friends. As Zayn continues to talk about his childhood, I sneak a few glances at Harry whose eyes are deeply focused on us which I find highly uncomfortable.

I want to tell Harry that it is rude to gaze at someone like that but then again, as I have known him for the past 2 months, he listens to only himself.

“ that’s why I never really had any friends in high school.” Zayn finishes.

He waits for me to reply but to be honest I haven’t been listening to anything he has said for the past minute. I have been too focused on Harry to listen.

“Laura?” Zayn looks at me in the eyes. Right in my eyes.

“Yes?” I reply shyly.

“Are you okay? Or tired? Because I know this party can be tiring.” He replies.

“Hey, can we go outside for a minute? I just need some air.” I reply without answering any of the questions he asked.

“Yeah. Sure” The way he says sure, I can tell he is somewhere from north.

I get up and take Zayn’s hand without realising what I am doing and drag him outside. I can still feel Harry’s gaze burning in to me and I wonder what is bothering him.

Harry’s POV

Damn. Damn Zayn. Damn Laura. They both have been constantly chatting and it took everything in me not to slam Zayn’s head somewhere on the table. All I could do was stare at them without doing anything that I’m not supposed to. I had two options, either I sit here like a good boy and just don’t do anything or punch Zayn in a face. Again. On this note I decided to go for option one.

I never knew there was such thing inside me as feelings. I thought they were long gone when...

I haven’t noticed until now that there was a slight shift inside me. I never knew it was possible. Since I saw I made my mind up to hate her. No matter what I say to her. Unfortunately, I failed in this because her kindness has overtaken my useless hate for her. She is stubborn and not that kind of a girl who would hang out with boys. Well she seems to be hanging out with Zayn.  My mind reminds me and I want to just push it away.

I’m just wondering why did I even bother with Rebecca, I mean she was nice and sweet at first but her insecurities is getting too much. I started to develop hate for Rebecca when she basically kicked Laura out and lied to my face that she wanted to go to her mothers or that shit and I was so stupid to believe her.

I should stop sitting here like a jerk and should see where did Laura and Zayn go? Their name sounds disgusting together.

If I could say there is a person in the world I hate the most, it would be Zayn and it is because of our troubled past.

I finally gain the courage to actually get up and look for them. For starters, I can’t see them anywhere in the living room so I shall check outside.

With a trace of hope, I open the back garden door and find them there.

Laura and Zayn.


I’m about to lose my shit.

I walk to over to them and I see a silver of panic in Laura’s eyes.

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