Chapter 21

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I don’t know how long I have been staring at him but I know that if I don’t look away he is going think that I have grown an obsession with him, which is a lie. Maybe the truth but I don’t think I am ready to admit it. I mean, me and Harry have only known each other since the university started which is probably few weeks ago. I don’t know why I have this feeling towards him when I know I shouldn’t but I still do. It’s like he is a drug to me because once you look at him, you don’t want to look away from him. It is pretty complicated to explain what is going through me right now because I might admit that maybe after his small but nice gesture, I might be getting pulled towards him and I don’t want to. I don’t think I want to be in a relationship with anyone after Louis. I might do but even if it does, it won’t be Harry. There is a slight chance but I doubt that is ever going to happen. Harry isn’t exactly the person I want who I can depend on as a boyfriend because he has some qualities that I don’t want in him, for example his rude behaviour towards me. I know for the fact that I don’t want that.

Harry looks over to me and smiles. Since I was deep in thought, I didn’t realise that I looked at Harry for longer than I should have. A huge grin spreads across his face as notices my flushed cheeks as I look away.

“What’s wrong? I have noticed that you have been looking at me since we left? Did you not want to leave?” He says, his grin slowly fading.

“Oh no. It’s not that.” I say. Oh yes, I was just thinking about your soft lips and how you and me will look together if we are dating and oh yes I forgot to mention how you should yourself to become my boyfriend. I silently add inside my head. If he was able to hear my thoughts, I would be walking back to my room or worse, I might be walking towards Corrin’s house to stay there until this year is over.

“Listen, if you have anything to say, you can say it. I don’t mind if it’s good or bad.” He says, rather nicely.

“No, it’s fine. It’s just me and my stupid thoughts.” I say.

Harry’s POV

“No, it’s fine. It’s just me and my stupid thoughts.” She says.

I know it’s not her stupid thoughts. Sometimes I can tell what exactly she is thinking. But this time I want her to tell me but there is no way I will be able to get it out of her. I just know it because she never tells me anything she is thinking which is the reason why I can’t understand her fully. I want to get to know her. Properly. Not some stupid stuff that she normally thinks about. I don’t know why I am thinking this way about her after my fight with Rebecca just now. But I know for the fact that there is something behind those eyes that I don’t know. Something that she has been dying to tell me but she won’t admit it to me or maybe even to herself.

She thinks I am dumb or something when I don’t look at her but when I notice her looking at me, something inside me swells up and makes me want to look back at her. But at the same time, it doesn’t. I don’t know her properly, only that I wish I do like Louis did. He told me a few things about her but I never actually knew that we would meet really. She has always been from a different college than nearly all of us in this university. Some part of me gives me hope that we can actually be more than friends but then again, I don’t think I am the person she wants. She wants someone like Louis who was the total opposite of me until he found Gemma, who happens to be in one of the ex-girlfriends list. Well, I didn’t exactly date her. We just hooked up and that’s it. Maybe a little more. But I don’t care right now. I want to end things with Rebecca but some part of me is telling me to stay and torture her a bit.

“So...are you and I are know....friends?” I say.

She looks at me awkwardly before answering the question.

“Yeah, I guess we are.” She says and I have to say that I am relieved than I have ever been.

(Hey guys, I know I havent updated for a while but because I am in a higher year, I have alot of other things that I have to do but I have took some time and updated. I know it's short I thought you might like Harrys POV. I will try and update today again if I can. Please Follow me On Twitter @Esha_Loves1D and Vote and Comment and Please Let me know what You Think. Loving your comments, even though its not much. But Love it. and vote please :) ily x <3 )

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