Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

Yes. I have finally said it to her. However, I don't know if she has taken the hint because I didn't say it properly.

I hope she has.

I let go of her wrist and she looks at me back, deep in my eyes, like I did a few seconds ago.

Her mouth slightly open, the curve of her lips are the most gorgeous piece of her body.

She tears her eyes away from me to look out of the window and then before I know it, she climbs out of the door and rushes to her room.

I watch her go, wondering what it would be like if I were walking with her there, holding her hand and soothing it with my thumb. Those dreams and hopes are slowly shattering away as I'm beginning to realize that the look on her face was shock. Pure shock.

I think that's after this are going to go, probably awkward. I climb out of my car in order to follow Laura but I know its pointless because she is long gone in the room and maybe locked it too.

With a bit of an effort, I knock on the door and she opens it instantly, looking drained.

"What happened?" My shock comes out.

"Nothing." She says and does a slight nervous laugh.

I enter the room slowly, looking around to see if she has done something wrong, but it looks perfectly fine.

"You know you can tell me."I say.

"I know." She doesn't face me, just looks out of the window, as if thinking something deep. Very deep.

"What happened?" I ask again, hoping for a better answer than "nothing"

"I don't know..." 

"If there is something wrong you can tell me because I'm your friend and I'll fully support you in whatever you have done wrong." I add the last bit with sarcasm because I know she hasn't done anything that will upset me.

"I don't know..I just.." She begins but then stops in the middle of a sentence when a ringing fills the room. 

Laura reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cell phone. She looks at the screen and her eyes widen. She looks at me and then back at the ringing screen and then back at me. She picks up the phone and leaves the room, her shoulders slightly brushing mine as she walks past me, her phone clamped to her ear. 

For a moment, I consider holding her wrist and holding her back and asking her who is the annoying git calling her when she was about to tell me how she feels. Damn that person and he's going to pay when I find out.

Laura doesn't give me a last glance before heading out. She's already on her phone so I don't blame her.

"Hello..yeah..hi.."I hear her speaking.

Well I guess it's just me and this room again. Although it's still evening but with that thought I collapse on the bed and fall asleep


"I have to admit, the food here is really good." I compliment the food at Big John.

Zayn called me a few minutes ago and invited more like told me to come outside the building because he was waiting for me to take me out. I was surprised when he said that, he then said that he wanted to give me a surprise. He said that he was trying to reach me for the past two days but it wouldn't work. I never told him what was going on because he never asked me where I was. Even if he asked, I'm not sure if I would answer that question because I feel like I should keep that information to myself. It's not like Zayn is my boyfriend or anything.

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