Chapter 29

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Laura’s POV

“Is Harry your friend?” I ask Zayn as soon as we are outside.

“What kind of a question is that?” I begin to feel nervous with his reply.

“I-I-I don’t know actually. There was something about the way he was looking at you...” I trail off once I see Zayn’s look.

“Yes, we have had several fights in the past and he doesn’t like me at all.” Zayn says and I am shocked. Just shocked. I shouldn’t be but I still am.

“Oh” is all I can say.

“Yes, in short, I had a crush on a girl called Isabelle since the moment I saw her. Harry was my friend then but then when he found out I have a crush on this girl, he started dating her despite the fact he knew that I loved Isabelle.” Zayn explains further and I am absolutely horrified at this. How can Harry do this to his own friend? It’s something an enemy wouldn’t do his enemy. Argh I hate Harry. He is pure cruel.

“That is why I haven’t seen Harry since I left high school and if I do, I would fight him.” Zayn says and I see a manly look come to his face. He seems angry. Hell he should be.

“Then why did you come here?” I ask.

“I didn’t know he would be here. Otherwise I never would be here. Corrin insisted.” He explains. He is so cute; he comes to this party with his friend and is suffering being with his worst enemy under the same roof.

We stand here in silence, waiting one of us to say something. I can’t think of anything to say after his sad story.

I think the drama is coming as I see someone open the back door.

I begin to panic as I see Harry’s long steps striding towards us. Oh no. This can’t be happening. After what Zayn told me. If there is a fight, I want to protect Zayn.

“What are you two doing here?” By the tone of Harry, I can tell he isn’t happy about us being here.

“What does it matter to you?” I question him and it looks like I caught him off-guard. He did not expect me to a type of a question.

“You’re coming with me.” Harry says. No..more like demands.

“Excuse me?” I’m horrified and shocked with this.

“You don’t get to control me.” I defend myself. Although I badly want to go with him and ask why did he do all those things that he did. In a way I know it is right to stay here with Zayn.

“Fine.” He is angry and I can tell by his tone and his expression.

With one last look at Zayn, he walks off as fast as he came.

“What the hell was that about?” I say as soon as the door shuts behind him.

“I don’t know but thanks for making him go away, I did not feel like facing him at the moment.” I can tell he is already upset about Harry coming here.

“Hey, I wanted to ask you something?” It was his turn to talk now.

“Yes?” I reply.

“Do you...never mind.” He stops himself and turns away.

I grab his wrist and turn him around again.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing. I think you should go with Harry.” He replies with a gloomy expression on his face.

“What?” I may have heard him wrong. I thought he understood by my defending that I wanted to stay here with him.

“I don’t know.” Okay now he is similar to Harry in a way because he is confusing me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask again.

“I just...I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow?” He finally says and I am glad.

My lips part at his request but I agree anyways. He happily requests me to take home and I agree again. He has been so polite with me so why not.

When we arrive back at the building, he gets out of his side and opens the door for me. Very Gentlemen-like.

“So, tomorrow after classes?” He asks after I get out of the car.

“Yes.” I answer with a massive smile on my face.

“Okay, I will come and pick you up. Okay?” He says.

“Okay. Bye.” I say.

We say our goodbyes and head towards the building. As soon as I open the door of my room, I sense something is wrong.

I see the wrongness and am overly astonished by it. Harry is sitting on the bed with a bottle of liquor in his hand.

“Long time no see Laura.” He says with a wicked grin on his face.

(Hey guys i know i havent updated for a long time, i had a busy time with exams and studies. dont forget that im in high school and too much pressure. i thought about the ending for a long time and i have finally planned it. cant wait for u guys to see it. love you . pls comment and vote bc i took so much time in this. again i love you all xxx <3) 

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