Chapter 25

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“My Parents’ house.”  He says and I am stopped to say anything.

Oh my god. Out of all the places I didn’t expect him to bring me here. Well, you can’t expect when it comes to Harry. I have no idea what to say. I don’t think I am ready to go to his house. I mean, that is his parents’ house and I don’t think he should bring me here. As much as I want to go in to the house, the other part of my brain is telling me that this is wrong. I don’t know if I should cuss him out here and tell him to take me back but since he has asked me nicely and acted so nice to me, I don’t think I should do that, but the worst part is that I can’t think right now which is exactly what I need to do right now and I can’t. I hate being in these situations because I can’t think straight.

“Why did you choose to bring me here?” These are the first words from my mouth.

“Oh, I don’t know myself to be honest, but I really think that my mum will love you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“No! I..I don’t mean it in that way,” he stutters. “I just wanted you to meet my mum because you seem her type of girl, you know the one who is a nerd and loves to study.”

“I never said I love to study.”

“Yes, you do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you were just planning to go to classes late.”

“So, that doesn’t mean I love to study. I just want to be successful.”

“Point proven.”I can see a hint of a smile on his face, obviously proud of himself to point me out but I don’t let it happen.

“What?! Don’t you want to be successful?” I say after a moments of silence from gathering my thoughts.

I wait for his answer but he doesn’t reply.


“I don’t know, maybe I don’t need to be with such a horrible past.”

“I am sorry?”

“Nothing, come on, let’s go.”

After a few minutes of me begging him to tell me, he doesn’t. No matter what I say so I give up on him and finally decide to get out of the car and make my way to the front of the house. I know it is rude to walk in front of Harry even though this is his house so I decide to wait for him halfway through the path for him to catch up with me.

He flicks his hair in an overwhelming way that for a flash of second, I forgot that I could breathe. When he finally catches up with me, I walk up the steps with him. He knocks on the door and I wait for someone to open the door.

It is pretty nerve-wrecking that I am actually going to a friend’ house, and who I don’t even know properly and nore he does me.

Finally what seems like an hour, a young woman with plain black hair only hanging until her neck with a bright smile to opens the front door. Her face lightens up and fills with a huge grin, obviousy at the sight of Harry. I take that this is his mother.

“I didn’t know you were coming.” She says as politely and not tries not to sound shocked but I guess it’s hard for her. She lets us through the door and I, following behind Harry.

“And who is this young woman?” She asks Harry when he makes no reply about his arrival at his parents’ house.

“Uhm..yeah. Mum, this is Laura. Laura this is my mum.” He introduces two women present, adding what sounds like ‘obviously’.

“Hi, Laura. My name is Anne, you can call me mum or Anne, as long as it is not auntie.” She smiles for the fourth time since her son arrived.

I am shocked at her carefree attitude. I thought she would be like Harry, rude and who doesn’t care about anything but money, even though Harry isn’t like that but that is what sometimes you expect from a friends’ mum. Is Harry my friend?

Before I can answer that in my head, Harry pulls me by my arm and leading my out of the kitchen, turns sideways to head up the stairs. Before my mind could catch up with the events I am being lead in a bedroom. Harry lets go of my arm as soon as I am in and locks the door as soon as the door hits the doorframe.

For a second I begin to worry what is about to happen, but calm myself when I see Harry taking the chair from the study table and sitting on it. He gestures me to sit on the bed and I oblige.

I am still nervous what to say or do because we are in Harry’ house in, god knows who’s room, sitting in an uncomfortable silence. I look around the room to keep myself busy but am unsuccessful.

“This used to be my room before I left for university.” He explains.

“Oh.”I don’t know what to say.

“I still remember the first night I stayed here when we moved in here 10 years ago. It was very horrible because I couldn’t sleep. I was used to sleeping in my old room with Fred.” He gives a little bit of information and I am surprised by his words that he is willing to give some information about himself. But wait...who is Fred? I cringe at the possibilities but Harry answers my thoughts.

“He used to my teddy bear I made when I was in secondary school. I was quite proud of it so I named it Fred later on about when I was in college because I saw the Harry Potter movies and I really liked Fred’ character.” He smiles at the thought.

“You like Harry Potter too?” I ask eagerly.

“Yeah, very much. I read until book five but then I got busy with other stuff.” I am glad he likes it too. “Why? Do you?” He asks me.

“Yeah. Obviously.” I say stating the obvious.

We carry on our conversation about Harry Potter and he explains how he used to have a massive crush on Emma Watson but now he is over her and he doesn’t know why, he just isn’t interested as he was before. I don’t blame him because people get over things, I did too. Before I know it, Anne calls us for lunch and we head downstairs still debating that Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter is good or bad? I obviously think he is good but Harry has other plans, he doesn’t agree with me.

Anne’s huge smile returns on her face when she sees her son again. I guess I don’t blame her, if I had a son moving to university and not knowing when you are going to see him and suddenly he turns up at the house, I would have been more than Happy.

We all take seats on the four seated dining table. Harry sits next to me and Anne sits opposite Harry.

Anne begins to serve the food and as soon as I take it in my mouth, it is delicious only if I knew what Anne would start talking about.

“So, how long have you been dating each other?” Anne says looking on her plate.

I instantly stop chewing and Harry coughs, taking water from his glass which sits next to him.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Anne asks curiously.

I don’t know how to answer her question, it would seem rude to say ‘oh we are not dating, it is just Harry had a fight with his girlfriend and decided to be nice to me and made me come to his parents’ house.’ One part of me desperately wishes that I was but Harry is with that Rebecca so I can’t do anything about that.

(Heyy Guys i know i haven't updated in about more than a month and I have already written the story on my laptop and I will be updating again now. So I hope you like this, it does take me time because I just moved houses and that is why I haven't updated and also because I didn't have any wifi. Please Vote and Comment. I love all of them xoxo)

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