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"Please step back I need some space, god!" she told her bodyguard. As if he wasn't already incompetent as it is. She didn't need some over paid bodyguard or her overbearing security hovering over her 24/7. "Abby did you get the reports about Afghanistan yet?" Lexa asked her secretary.

"Um huh.. No ma'am not yet." Abby responded.

"Well you should probably get on that, knowing I have a speech tomorrow!" Lexa eyed her down.

"Uh.. Yes ma'am, right away" she said scurrying down the hall.

She was one of Lexa's new secretaries, she had to fire the last one for making a mistake. Although she has known Abby for a couple months now, Lexa has only learned that she's very nice but a bit older than she is.

Lexa sighed as she burst through the doors of the Oval Office. There was a man standing in a black suit as she walked to her desk and sat down he turned his attention towards her.

"Madam President" he said bowing his head.

"Ah Bellamy how may I help you today" she asked putting on her signature fake smile.

Lexa was very annoyed today this presidency thing was getting very old, her trying to keep up with the country and what not. He walked towards her desk letting his fingers slide through his dark curly hair nervously as he placed a sealed envelope on her desk, looking at the floor.

Lexa looks at the envelope then back at him "What is this?" she asked genuinely confused. He looked up at her holding a gaze

"I don't know Lex..." she gave him a stern look, him knowing to never call her that in the Oval Office or any place of business in the White House. Bellamy sees her serious face and corrected himself almost immediately "Sorry Madam President the envelope is from the senator, she said it is very important" he spoke with confusion.

"Alright, thank you you're dismissed" she says coldly.

He leaves out leaving her alone with this mysterious envelope. Bellamy is a secret agent of hers. One of her close associates but she knows he tends to think highly of himself, but sometimes she needs to show him who's higher. She was intimidating, she doesn't mean to be as much but it's just what comes with the job. People see her as a woman running the country, weak even. She was far from weak. Women are nothing in this world today, they get no respect, no admiration. Oh but she made it, and is on her fourth year of presidency as a woman and she's doing just fine.

Costia walked through the doors of the Oval office tearing her away from her thoughts. "Lexa" Usually no one is allowed in here without knocking or being formally invited through her secretary but she was Lexa's wife and she had an exception of course. "Lexa, honey" she snaps her fingers.

Lexa looks up acknowledging her presence "Yes" she finally spoke.

"Don't you think you should get some rest, you've been up all last night" she asked in a worried tone.

Lexa waves her off "I'm fine, I promise" she presses her lips against Lexa's forehead ever so softly.

"Okay but I think we should skip the dinner ball tonight, you need some rest"

Lexa looks at her with a raised eyebrow "Absolutely not we go to this every year, I'd be damn if I miss it this year"

Costia was about to argue but at lost of words. She was defeated. "Just promise me you'll go to bed afterwards, please?" She pleaded.

Lexa rolled her eyes at her wife's worried expression "Okay" she breathed.

She gives her a quick peck on the lips and leaves Lexa to the rest of her work. Lexa finally opened the envelope that was giving to her. She unfolds the piece of paper inside of it.

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