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Lexa POV

"Awww look how nerdy you were in high school Lexa, you still dressed like a lesbo back then too" Anya retorted. Raven laughs when she sees me rolling my eyes. "Yeah you were pretty nerdy back then and GAY" she laughs even louder.

"Let's not get those year book pictures out of you now" Raven quickly closes the book. "Lexa's right, we shouldn't make fun of high school us" Raven says. Me and Anya burst out into laughter. "Get out my house you two" she finally says.

"One this is my house too and come on Raven don't be like that like" Anya stops laughing putting on a serious face. "No I want you two out now" Raven pouts, I knew it was really time to take my leave when Anya kissed her to make her stop being a big baby, but that kiss was turning into something else and I wasn't going to stand around and see what that something was.

They didn't even notice I left out the door, instead they were pulling clothes off each other. I introduced Anya to Raven in college they dated on and off and then one day I got a invitation to their wedding that was a year and a half ago now, I was happy for them finally accepting they were made for each other.

I asked my security team to make a detour at an apartment building. It was night and I could see one light from the building still on. "Madame, one of these days you need to knock" usually I won't let anyone speak nor give me advice especially not one of my security guards but Gustus was a family friend, he is noble and very respectful he's really been a friend to me and my mom ever since my dad died. "Yes maybe one day but not today" I signal the driver to drive off and he obeys. Every time I was out I would stop by her apartment, I know it wasn't healthy at all but I miss her the smiles, the laughs all of it. I never really have the guts to knock it's been a month since the meeting room encounter and it wasn't the best month of my life. Costia kicked me out of the bedroom saying she can't do this anymore she acts as if I didn't know about her affair with the vice president... Nia. I could smell her scent on her everyday for the past year and I never said a word about it. She would come back with hickeys, marks, scratches all over her body. So I started having my fun 3 months ago, sleeping with any girl I wanted just to get back at my wife but Clarke she wasn't a revenge plan or a affair. Clarke was someone I couldn't stop thinking about since I saw her at the ball.

Just as we reached the White House I saw a figure standing outside of the White House gates, I couldn't quite see who it was but the figure came from out of the shadows and it was her.

"Clarke?" I was surprised to see her I thought she was at her apartment. "What are you doing here?" the girl looked like she had a rough night, I could tell she had been crying but I didn't understand why there was blood splattered across her face and blood stains on her white coat.

"I... I didn't know who else to go to, Octavia is out of town and I-" her hands were shaking none the less. I grab a hold of both of her hands and look her straight in the eyes with a concerned look "Let's get you inside" I order my security guards to help her inside and be very discreet about her being here. I didn't need this getting out, they would take it as if I was sneaking another affair into the White House, it wasnt the case but people will make up any lie to get dirt on me. We made it to the guest bedroom I've been sleeping in and close the door. "Clarke what happened" I ask as I come from the bathroom with a wet cloth.

The girl did not answer it looked as if she was in another world she was staring into space. I sit her down on the bed and kneel in front of her gently wiping the blood off her face after that I take off the bloody coat off of her. She looked so hopeless, I wanted to take care of her make her feel better. I wondered what happened but I was also glad that she wasn't hurt well at least not externally but internally seemed like a whole other ball game "Clarke?" I tried to get her attention again. It was worth a shot, I needed to know what was eating her up inside so bad.

She looks down at me and says "I killed him."

A/N: Do you guys ship Anya and Raven? I was going to do Octaven but idk. Also Stalker Lexa Lol.

Damn Clarke what did you do!

Updating this afternoon or night, we'll see.

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