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The night had quieted down. The wedding reception was a success everyone enjoyed the food and dancing. Laughter could be heard throughout out the ball room. Some more people showed up to the reception after the wedding ceremony was over. Some of Lexa's cousins and associates from the white house. Clarke's mom invited a couple of people and so did Indra. Everyone was having a good time. Clarke managed to slip away from her talkative mother after pushing Marcus into her by "accident" Marcus was the guy her mother wanted her to meet, Clarke approved of him right away, he was a business man, after getting away Clarke bumped into Lexa's mother. Indra ended up apologizing to Clarke instead of judging her Indra thanked her for bringing life back into her little Alexandria. Clarke had politely smiled at Indra and excused herself.

Clarke was now at the dessert table watching her goofy wife dance with Raven. The sight amused Clarke. Raven didn't like it one bit and Lexa knew this. Those two never stop teasing each other. Clarke grabbed a cupcake and made her way over to the two.

"May I cut in" Clarke smiled looking at Lexa while slowly swirling her finger around in the icing of the cupcake.

"Yes please" Raven begged while getting out of Lexa's grip, once free she quickly walked to the bar. Lexa laughed and tried going to follow her but Clarke grabbed her wrist and spun her back around.

"Not so fast stud, you owe me a dance" Clarke smirked setting the cupcake on a nearby table while sucking the icing off her finger painfully slow.

"I don't remember owing anything" Lexa eyed Clarke like a predator ready to eat it's prey.

"Seems like I need to jog your memory" Clarke grabbed Lexa's hand pulling her close. Lexa smiled wrapping her arms around Clarke's waist.

"I think I remember now" Lexa said seductively. "But I have one thing to do before we dance" Lexa kissed Clarke's cheek and let go of her "I'll be right back" Lexa walked over to the DJ and whispered a song in his ear. Lexa walked backed over to Clarke grabbing her hand intertwining their fingers and pulling Clarke to the middle of the ball room.

"Back so soon" Clarke smiled following Lexa.

"Couldn't leave my wife waiting" Lexa kissed Clarke's hand and snapped her fingers. The microphone made a screech and the room fell silent the DJ started to speak.

"We're going to slow things down for the married couple's first dance of the night" the DJ put the microphone down and played Clarke's favorite song "Landslide by Dixie Chicks" Clarke gasped and smacked Lexa's arm.

"You sneaky little devil you" Clarke smiled and wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck.

"I've pleased you" Lexa smiled putting her hands on Clarke's waist.

"Yes" the song starts and Clarke started to sway and mumble the lyrics.

"I took my love, I took it down"

"I climbed a mountain and I turned around"

"And I saw my reflection in a the snow covered hills"

"Til the Landslide brought me down"

Lexa started to sing along, swaying at the same rhythm as Clarke.

"Oh mirror in the sky"

"What is love?"

It was just the two of them dancing in the middle of the room moving gracefully to the music. It was like a fairytale in a book, things were perfect....too perfect Clarke thought.

"You okay?" Lexa felt Clarke tense up after dancing for a while. More people had filled the dance floor by then. Raven and Anya were dancing. Clarke and Lexa's moms were dancing with each other, they've had way too much to drink even Octavia found one of the security gaurds to dance with. Clarke looked up at Lexa and smiled.

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