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Lexa wanted to know what the hell Clarke was talking about. Did she actually kill someone, but it's her job... Isn't it. Lexa couldn't ask anymore questions because Clarke started to shake really bad and passed out from exhaustion. Lexa was straddling Clarke in her arms all night. She refused to leave her side but she was President and eventually she had to get up, leaving Clarke all by herself but she sent some of her most trustee security guards (Gustus and Lincoln) to guard the door making sure no one got in and Clarke doesn't go out.

Clarke woke up panicking trying to figure how she got into this room. Everything was kind of a blur but then she remembered the terrible thing she did last night... She had killed at man.

Hours had passed and Clarke was stuck in the room, given food of course and treated well until Lexa came back and turned off the TV Clarke was currently watching. Clarke had a puzzled look on her face as to why Lexa looked so worried. Lexa takes a deep breath and begins.

"You have to tell me what happened Clarke, I want to help" she said calmly. Lexa was so nice to her after all the countless times Clarke had lefted her with out an explanation. This girl wouldn't stop caring about her and it made Clarke smile sometimes. Clarke guess that's why she came to Lexa about this first. "I can't help if you don't tell me Clarke I know it's hard but Clarke" Lexa moves towards Clarke taking a seat next to her on the bed "You need to tell me" Clarke looked Lexa straight in those forest green eyes she grew so fond of and began to tell Lexa what happened last night.


"Oh please O, I'll be fine without you, you have fun with your little Luna" Clarke laughed and Octavia was blushing "It's a business trip Clarke"

"Yeah sure it is" she winks and Octavia did the usual and shoved her best friend. "I'll see you in a couple of days Griff" she hugs Clarke and gets in the car leaving for the airport. Clarke sighed watching the car that held her best friend in it leave her place, she didn't want Octavia to leave for New York. She needed her here with her.

Clarke walked back inside her apartment as quickly as she could because it was a cold day in Washington DC. She spent the rest of her evening reading up on some files by the time she was done it was getting late and she realized she hadn't eaten, when she was on her way downstairs she got a call from a unknown number, she answered it anyway.

"Hello... Hellooo?"

A mischievous laughs comes from the other end of the phone and it wasn't pleasurable at all.

"Hey princess" Clarke knew exactly who it was right then and there. It was Finn her ex boyfriend, well he was never really her boyfriend he was working for another side to get Intel on her at one point but Clarke figured it out after snooping through his things, to be honest she knew all along, no guy like that would just accidentally bump into her at a coffee shop (how cliché) but she played along with his little game giving him false information. Clarke would be lying if she said she didn't fall in love with the guy and he had too, they had spend a year together.When Clarke finally told him she knew who he really was she asked him to chose her or his job and he did.. he tried to kill her but he couldn't he loved her too much, Clarke pushed down her feelings and had to fight him, she won of course but he ask her to let him go and she'd never see him again but Clarke couldn't put her feelings over her duties the next thing she knew he was in prison never to be seen again. A couple of months ago she would get calls from him the taunting he does now is not just revenge for busting him but for breaking his heart for making the decision to imprison him.

"What do you want Finn?"

"I want you to feel what I felt. I'm surprised after two years you still wear blue pajamas and put your hair in that bun every night"

The call ends and Clarke looks around her apartment trying to figure out how he knew what the hell she had on. She looked for the gun she hides in the false bottom drawer in her kitchen but it was gone and so was all of her knives. Clarke began to panick when she heard the clicking of a lamp light in her living she went to investigate the noise with precaution and long behold, Finn sitting on her sofa with a sinister smile.

"Hey princess, long time no see" She couldn't move, Clarke was frozen in place because he was actually here. So many questions ran through her mind. How did he get out of prison so fast? How did he find me? I hated that fucking beard he grows out, why didn't he shave it?! The last question was dumb she thought to herself, that wasn't important at all.

"I know you were looking for this princess" he pull the gun from behind him. "False drawer huh so original Clarkie" he shakes his head sarcastically and stands up from the sofa taking small steps towards Clarke. "I should've done this years ago" he says aiming the gun right at Clarke.

Clarke dunked before the first round of fire was shot. She tripped him knocking him to the floor kicking the gun from his hand. He kicked her in the stomach causing her to stumble backwards. They were in hand to hand combat fighting for a while until Clarke made one wrong move and she fell on the floor landing on her back defeated and to tired to try and move.

Finn grabs the gun wiping the blood from his nose standing over Clarke. "I'm sorry it had to end this way, princess" he aims the gun once more at Clarke.

Clarke thought this was it, but the first thing that she thought about was how she never even got a chance with Lexa. Some how that gave her strength she kicked Finn in the nuts as hard as she could making him drop the gun and stumbling backwards in pain.

Clarke grabs the gun and quickly stands up now aiming the gun at him. "Get up, Get up!" She yells at him and he stands looking straight at her smirking. "You're not going to shoot me princess" he comes charging at Clarke and the gun goes off. He tries to hold he's neck to keep the blood from spooling out of it making it harder for him to breathe.

Clarke steps a little closer to him looking him dead in the eyes and says "Don't call me princess" she shoots him again in the head this time, his blood splatting all over her face. He falls to the ground in his own pool of blood... Lifeless.

Clarke puts on her white coat crying while digging a grave in her backyard burying the body of the man she once loved. Afterwards she rolls up the carpet that was stained with Finn's blood and trashes it. She realized what she did and it wasn't what she wanted but desperate times calls for desperate measures she thought. The next thing she remembered was driving to the White House to the girl she trusted with this information.



Clarke was sobbing in Lexa's arms while Lexa was rubbing her back trying to sooth her. "You did what you had to do, he was going to kill you if you hadn't killed him first and if he had I wouldn't have know what to do with myself if I lost you" Clarke looks up at Lexa, she was tired of playing the childish games. Lexa wanted her and she wanted Lexa to be hers. Clarke leaned in to kiss those soft plump lips that she craved ever since their first kiss. Lexa kissed her back feeling those same sparks she felt the first time they had kissed but she remembered the serious matter at hand and pulled away. "I'm sorry.. I-" Lexa smiles at Clarkes cherry red cheeks "Don't be Clarke. Now that you have told me what happened I need you to go back to your apartment."

Clarke looks confused at Lexa's request. Was Lexa crazy. "What?" She finally responded.

"I know Clarke but you have to, I will send my clean up crew with you. I need you to find the carpet you disposed of and burn it. I also need you to show my clean up crew exactly where you burried the body and they will handle the rest. You have to act as if nothing happened Clarke" Lexa caresses Clarke's face rubbing her thumbs across her cheeks. "You were never here, okay?" Clarke nods.

A/N: so I updated sooner than I expected, I hope it wasn't rushed or anything.

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