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It was indeed Clarke's mother who was calling. Clarke decided to just hear her out on what she had to say.


"Hey sweetie" Abby greeted.

"What do you want?" Clarke had nothing to say to her mother after months of not being a mom to her, why start now?

"Can't a mother call her daughter with no questions?"

"Oh you can, you just haven't done it in months, so I ask again. What do you want?" Clarke asked a little colder than the first time.

"I'm sorry Clarke for not checking to see if you were okay or just not being there for you. I just really missed my daughter. I didn't know who you were, dropping your work for this one woman you barely knew and Lexa divorcing her wife for you, I just couldn't handle the mess but now I see that Lexa wasn't breaking you, she was slowly fixing you. I've never seen you so open and so willing to take risk with anyone until Lexa came into your life. She makes you smile so much and I guess I got a little sad and mad because your own mother couldn't make you smile like she does." Clarke could hear her mom sobbing on other side of the phone. Clarke realized that her mom had a point, she had realized that all this was making her mom feel unwanted, its always been the two of them ever since Clarke's dad died. They only had each other and they promised it would always be that way but Clarke broke that promise when she met Lexa. Clarke didn't know while letting Lexa in, she had been slowly pushing away the woman that raised her.

"Its okay mom, please don't cry" Clarke now felt bad because she spent all this time resenting her mom for never calling or coming to see her, but if Clarke had just called her mom herself this problem would've been resolved sooner. "Can we start over?" Clarke asked. She could hear her mom sniff and laugh at the silly question.

"Yes we can" Abby answered. Clarke couldn't see it but she knew her mom was smiling.

"Its almost 12 in the afternoon, how about brunch?"

"That would be great, we have a lot to catch up on"

"Same place as always?"


"See you then" Clarke hung up the phone. Her and Abby did have a lot to catch up on, Clarke was still deciding whether she should tell her mom that she is now engaged to Lexa or tell her another time. She just wanted to have a good time with her mom and not be lectured on how fast the two of them were moving. Clarke knows she wants to spend the rest of her life with this woman there was no denying that so with that thought in mind Clarke kept the ring on, grabbed her coat and headed out the room. Brunch with her mother should be interesting.


Clarke arrived at the usual Café her and Abby would go to every other morning. She didn't inform Lexa of her whereabouts because she didn't know if Lexa would be alright with her forgiving her mother so easily. Lexa still hasn't talked to her own mother since the hospital. Clarke hoped that Lexa would be forgiving as she was. Clarke entered the Café sitting in the usual seat her and her mother would always sit in. Clarke saw her mother approaching her, if Clarke didn't know any better she could've sworn her mother looked different. In a good way as if she found peace. Her mom was glowing and Clarke wanted to know why.

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