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Lexa's POV

It had been a week since I saw Clarke. I would call her here and there to make sure she's doing okay but she wasn't, Clarke never told me she wasn't okay I could just here it in her voice. I felt sorry for the poor girl, it hurt a little to know she was in love with the man she killed. Lexa shook it off, Clarke needed me right now but instead I'm stuck in The Oval Office constantly dealing with our country. I want to run away from this life sometimes, who knew being presidency would be this hard.

"Lexa! LEXA!" a hand shakes me out of my thoughts. I soon identified the hand as Costia.


"Bellamy told me" she says.

"Told you what?" I ask highly confused but whatever it was she looked beyond pissed.

"That you snuck that Blonde haired woman in some days ago. I thought we've talked about this, that you would never see her again and.." I raise my hand to stop her right in her tracks she knew better not to talk about such a thing in The Oval Office, it had a camera right in the middle of the room.

"Listen you can say what you want but you don't know the whole story on why she was here and I thought you were done ever since you moved me to the guest room so you may leave now close the door on your way out" I glared at her.

Costia didn't have another word to say she just walked to the door with her head held down. "Also tell Bellamy he's fired would you, also tell him that he's a secret agent that should learn to keep secrets." Costia nods and exits the room.

Lexa stood from her desk. Clarke was always lingering on my mind. Lexa went out to the balcony grabbing the glass and the bottle of Scotch from the near table by the door. I looked beyond the balcony at the tiny people going on about their lives.. normal lives. I could hear the balcony door open and I didn't have to turn around to know exactly who it was.

"What is it Abby?"

"Sorry ma... I mean Lexa to disturb you but you have a call." She walks towards me handing the phone to me.

"Very well, thank you" I dismiss her and attend to the phone. "Hello" I didn't use my formal greeting because this is my personal phone and only close friends and family has it.

"Lexa" it was Clarke she sounded upset?

"Is everything okay Clarke, what's wrong?" I ask genuinely concerned for the girl.

"I woke up wanting to make pancakes and I... I spilled the batter all over me" I could here the sniffles through the phone Clarke was crying and it wasn't because of the pancake mix.

"Oh darling it's okay" I reassure her. Clarke was a mess, her sobs were becoming more clear.

"Can you come over?"

Her words hit me like a car. I would do anything for this woman but my schedule has been crazy and I just don't know if I'll be able to get out The White House today.

"Clarke..." I start but she soon cuts me off laughing sarcastically with a hint of hurt. "That was stupid of me to ask, I just wanted to see you" her voice goes silent.

I sigh knowing I can't just say no. "How about I come over late tonight"

"Okay, yes that will work" she sounded a little bit better but I was still worried about.

"Good, I'll see you tonight"



"Thank you... For everything" I smile at the words she just spoke. Why did she have this effect on me.

"Anything for you" did I serious just say that out loud? There's 3 seconds of silence and she finally says. "Bye Lexa" the line clicks.

I hold the phone to my chest smiling like a idiot. Why can't I stop thinking about her every waking moment, every single minute of the day it's Clarke... It's been Clarke since I laid eyes on her.


It was getting late at The Oval office and visiting Clarke was stuck on my mind since our phone call. I had just finishing signing the rest of a stack of papers that were to be approved. Abby knew of me and her daughter and she was fine with it as long as she knew we were only friends anything more she threatened to kill me if I broke her daughter's heart. I didn't take it by offense or a major threat she was just being a mother looking out for her own. My mom has done the same even with Costia, she never liked Costia back then and she hates her now she calls her a attention seeker and not sure of what she wants. Sometimes my mom was right about her but I fell in love with Costia a long time ago but now I don't even know her anymore she's a different person.

I arrived to Clarke's apartment followed by four bodyguards and a secret agent. I got them to lower it down to four instead of six. I reached Clarke's apartment door and knocked. She answers quicker than I expected the girl looked a mess I could tell she changed out of the clothes she spilled batter on but her hair was full of it and it looked... Dirty.

"Lexa!" Clarke embraced her in a hug. I saw my guards ready to react but I give them a signal to stand down.

I smile and hug her back and released because she didn't smell to fresh. "Come in" she steps aside and I go in with no hesitation. When I do there's things all over the place as if the house had been abandoned for weeks. Clarke was really going through an internal battle with herself.

"Sorry it's a mess" she must had caught me staring at the clutter. "I haven't really had the chance to clean up" Clarke says shuffling things around trying to make the place look better but Clarke looked as if she was on the verge of breaking down and Lexa didn't know if she could fix the girl once she reached her dark place.

"It's fine don't worry about it" Clarke continued to move stuff around but Lexa grabs the girls wrist to stop her from doing anything further. "Hey you're okay" Clarke's blues looked straight into Lexa's greens finally feeling the girl calm down. I took one step closer pulling her into my arms she wraps her arms around me and began to sob in my arms and it broke my heart to see the girl like this. Clarke was a strong independent woman like myself but today she was.. weak.

"Hey let's get you cleaned up" Clarke lets out a grunt wiping her tears looking up at me "Are you trying to tell me I smell, Lexa?"

"Yes, yes i am" she laughs, god I'd do anything to hear it again. "Well okay I'll go shower if you insist" she gives me a small smile and walk off into a dark hallway.

A hour had past of Lexa waiting for Clarke to exit the bathroom. I was starting to get worried so I got up and went down the dark hallway finding the only door closed with light shedding through it. I take a deep breath and knock. "Clarke, hey you okay in there" I get no response I take the time to knock again a little harder. "Clarke, you've been in here a while, are you okay?" There's nothing but silence. I knock harder this time, fear coursing through my body. "Clarke!" I try for the door knob but its locked, I start ramming my shoulder against the door. I do it harder the second time and the door burst right open. I look for Clarke around the bathroom and there she is.

"Clarke No!"

A/N: I know I know cliff hanger oooo. What have you done Clarke?

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