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It was three days after Lexa fell into my arms and cried like she hadn't in years. It was three days after Clarke and Lexa found Raven in the hospital hallway in a pool of her own tears. But most importantly it was three days after Lexa was informed her sister was going to be okay. Clarke and Octavia are in the hospital room with Anya waiting for Lexa and Raven to come back from their important jobs. They said they would come back around night so Clarke and Octavia stayed with Anya watching out for her until then. Indra would stop by at random hours but Clarke avoided any alone time with her, half because Lexa's mom looks like she could your soul out. Excluding that thought out of mind, Clarke was still worried about Lexa. She still hasn't got the chance to speak to the girl since yesterday. Clarke needed to know how she was feeling about these last few weeks with everything going on. She didn't even know that Lexa smoked, not to mention that she heard the girl talking to herself and staring at the sky for a long period of time. She just wanted to understand what was going on in that mind of Lexa's.

"Did you get the Jello?" Anya asked Octavia. Apparently they've been good friends for some time, which she had no clue. She felt as if the best friend she has come to known for all these years was just a friendship built with lies. "Yeah I got it" Octavia smiled and handed to her. "This is like your tenth jello cup, don't you think you've had enough?"

"Never" Anya stuck out her tongue and opened the jello and began to eat. Lexa walked in and Raven right behind her. They promised to visit Anya everyday even if they are busy. Which they are always of course, being the president and a senator aren't easy jobs but Lexa was willing to make time for her sister and Raven was always willing to make time for her wife. It was very sweet of them Clarke Thought. Clarke got up and went over to hug Lexa. Lexa slightly flinched at the contact.

"Hey Lex, you okay?" She whispered to Lexa.

"Yeah I'm fine" Lexa brushed past her but She grabbed Lexa's wrist. "We need to talk" Lexa looked so exhausted, she hasn't slept well between work and worrying so much about her sister. "Later" Lexa pulled away from Clarke's grip and walked beside Anya's bed. Clarke went and walked out of the room. She needed air. Lexa's a mess and it's partially Clarke's fault, if she would have just told Lexa sooner they wouldn't be in this situation, everyone would be happy.. wouldn't they? After Clarke got herself together, she went back inside the room.

"Hey Clarke?"

"Yes?" Clarke was trying her best to look happy because if she wasn't then who would be. "Are you and Lexa like a thing now?" Clarke eyes quickly flickered to Lexa's. Lexa only smiled.. well more like a grimace.

"I don't know, are we?" Clarke looked Lexa dead in the eyes she needed to know what Lexa thought about the two of them, she knows is not the right time to ask but it kind of just slipped out. The room became silent and no one dared to break it after a minute of Lexa not answering the question Clarke assumed she knew what the girl answer was going to be. Clarke walked out of the door for the second time that day.

"Way to go asshole" Anya said hitting Raven's arm. "What? I was curious" Lexa went after her ignoring the two.

"Clarke wait" Clarke turned around with tears in her eyes, she tried her best not to let them fall. Lexa catched up with Clarke down the hospital hallway. "I get it Lexa, your sister needs you and I'm getting in the way of that. I'm sorry that I won't ever be-" Lexa grasped the back of her neck and shut her up with a sweet chaste kiss. That one kiss said everything, that Lexa wasn't going anywhere and neither was Clarke. Lexa was the first to pull back staring Clarke straight in the eyes. "I love you Clarke, you're my girlfriend or partner or whatever you want to call it. I just want to be with you Clarke, it's been you since the day you walked in with that stunning red dress that was slightly out of dress code" Lexa smiled making Clarke giggle. Clarke was in love with the girl in front of her. Lexa would take away her troubles with just one smile, one word, one look.

"So Clarke Griffin will you do me the honors of being my date at Titus wedding tomorrow?"

"Wait Titus is getting married?" Lexa just nodded waiting for Clarke to answer her question. "Yes I would love to but-"

"But what?" Lexa asked confused. "Who the hell was dumb enough to ask to marry Titus" Lexa laughs shoving Clarke playfully. "Don't be mean" Lexa wraps her arms around Clarke's waist while Clarke wrapped around Lexa's neck. Lexa was smiling at her but not just any smile but a smile that drives you crazy, a smile that makes you smile. Clarke loved it. "Oh so you're the one marrying Titus? Because you seem to take up for him a lot" Clarke smirks. She knows Lexa's a total lesbian and Clarke found that... sexy.

Lexa laughs. "Good one Clarke. But no he's marrying a guy because he's gay and also I'm into this really hot Blonde and no one can take me from her if they tried" Clarke kissed Lexa softly before pulling away. Clarke had no idea Titus was gay but that did explain the hand gesture he does to the male guards.

"We should go back in, your sister is probably waiting" Clarke intertwined their fingers and started heading back to the room but Lexa pulled her back.

"My sister can wait" Lexa said pulling Clarke into a empty hospital room.

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