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Clarke ran into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, Raven barged in with a bloody nose and a ripped shirt but Clarke had an idea as to why she was in such bad shape at the moment. Clarke grabbed the first aid kit and ran some cold water over a washcloth, she then walked out the bathroom kneeling down to hand Lexa the kit. Lexa grabbed the kit getting out some bandages. Clarke went to wipe Ravens nose, finally getting the girl to stay still. Clarke managed to clean most of the blood. Clarke bandaged the nose and stood up smiling faintly, going back to the bathroom.

Clarke thought what Raven did was repulsive even though she hardly knew her or her wife she still wondered how Anya is dealing with it all. Clarke put the items back and decided to stay out of it. She didn't really have a say because she basically did the same thing, right? Clarke had stole Lexa away from Costia. Clarke knew that Lexa was married and decided to continue the relationship they had but what Clarke didn't know is that she had been falling for the girl since the day she met her and she couldn't help it. If Clarke thought about it really hard she sees that Costia was the real victim in all of this, she lost her wife and her son in the time spand of two years. Clarke pushed those thoughts out of mind and got ready to take a shower, she wanted to stay out of the conversation and let the bestfriends talk alone. Lexa will tell her later what happened, so she went on to take a shower.

"So are you ready to tell me what happened?" Lexa asked.

"You don't care, why bother?" Raven scoffed.

"If I didn't care Rae, you wouldn't be in my bedroom, you'd be in the hospital because I was two seconds away from dropping your ass" Lexa stood and sat next to Raven on the bed. "Now tell me what happened" Lexa asked.

Raven took a deep breath but wouldn't look Lexa in the eyes, she knows she has hurt her bestfriend for what she did to her sister. It took Raven about a whole minute before she could say something. "I told Anya what I had done and she broke down Lex I never meant to hurt her" Raven clenched her fist to keep from crying. She's a tough girl, crying isn't what she does that's how Lexa knew how sorry she was for her mistake but it wasn't enough. Lexa put a reassuring hand on Ravens shoulder making the girl continue her story. "I went on and tried hug her, it was a mistake of course because I got a fist to the nose, I deserved it. She told me to pack my shit and leave and that's how I ended up here"

"Yep that's my sister alright" Lexa huffed. "Do you still love her Rae?"

"More than anything in this world.. It was a stupid mistake that will never happen again" Raven just had been feeling alone, Anya pushed her away after the incident of her getting shot. She didn't want to talk about it she didn't want anyone seeing her so vulnerable and that's what Raven loved about the girl she was strong so strong.

"Fight for her" Lexa smiled. She didn't forgive Raven so easily but they were still bestfriends since childhood and the bond between the two will never be broken. "Now get your ass out of here because you interrupted some things with my soon to be wife" Lexa stood.

"Wait hold up you're engaged?" Lexa nodded with a smirk on her face. "What the fuck Lex why didn't you tell me" Raven scowled and stood up to shove Lexa.

"Maybe because you were too busy cheating on my sister" Lexa didn't mean to say it, it just sort of came out.

"I guess you're right" Raven lowered her head and walked towards the door.

"Rae I didn't mean..." Raven cut her off.

"Yes you did and that's okay I don't deserve any pity" Raven opened the door. "Thank you for patching up my nose, oh and congratulations she's good for you" Raven smiled a little and left out the room.

Lexa took a breath and sat down on the bed. Clarke walked out of the bathroom in her pajamas and hair tied up in a bun. "Hey, everything okay?" Clarke laid beside Lexa on the bed.

"Yea everything's okay" Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke and kissed her temple smelling the girls hair. "You smell amazing" Lexa smiled.

"Well it is your body wash" Clarke snuggled into Lexa's chest.

"I'm guessing sex if off?" Lexa asked.

"You guessed right Madame President" Clarke closed her eyes wrapping her arm around Lexa's waist.

"It was worth a shot" Lexa smirked while she unconsciously played in Clarke's hair. Clarke slowly drifted asleep.


It was two in the morning when Lexa received a call. She slowly let go of Clarke to answer the phone.

"Hello" Lexa whispered.

"Sorry to wake you Madame President but we have a situation in the east wing" it was Gustus her security guard.

"I'll be up there as quickly as I can" Lexa whispered slowly getting out of bed grabbing her house coat and slipping on her slippers.

"I sent two guards your way they will be leading you there" Gustus spoke with grea seriousness which told Lexa that this wasn't just a minor situation. Lexa hung up the phone and looked over at Clarke after putting on her robe. She looked so cute in her sleepy mess even the drool dropping from her mouth, Lexa found the sight adorable. Lexa gently placed a kiss to Clarkes head and slipped out of the room.

Lexa made it to the east wing where Gustus waited four other guards and a small woman. As Lexa got closer she recognized exactly who it was.


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