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There has been two knocks on Lexa's door but she refuses to answer it. Clarke and Lexa have been in bed, naked, for quite some time now. Lexa wanted to enjoy this moment with Clarke. It was silence between them but comfortable until Lexa finally broke it.

"I have a meeting to get to in a less than a hour Clarke" Lexa turned to face her. "It won't take me long to get back, you can stay...."

Clarke quickly cut her off. "I should get going Lexa I have somethings to handle" Lexa frowned. She really didn't want Clarke to leave her, not like this not just passionate sex and just leaving. Lexa had so much more to tell the goddess laying in her bed next to her. "Please don't go Clarke" Lexa pleaded with the girl. Clarke smiled and said the words Lexa did not want to here.

"I'm sorry"

Clarke got out of bed and started shuffling around the room for her clothes. Lexa sat up in the bed pulling the sheet up around her. It's not that she's ashamed of her body, she just had sex with Clarke it felt new to her she didn't want Clarke to be nervous around her but Clarke seemed very confident about her body or maybe she was in such a rush that she didn't know that she was still naked as she looked for her clothes. Damn she looks good.

"Clarke stop" She ignored her and started to put on her clothes. Lexa tried again this time getting up and grabbing Clarke's wrist. "Please" Lexa looked into those ocean blue eyes and the blonde smiled at her.

"Lex... I'm not leaving for good not this time. I want to be with you I do but"


"But I really have to take care of somethings at work, I promise I'll be back" Clarke's hand was now on the brunettes cheek. 

"Pinky promise?" Lexa asked with a playful smirk.

Clarke chuckled at the brunettes smart remark but she just held up her pinky looking into those forest green eyes, smiling and said "I pinky promise"


Lexa spent the rest of the afternoon attending her meeting and handling affairs. Lexa felt free, she was actually smiling most of the day to herself, Clarke had this affect on her and it felt good, she fell in love with this girl so fast that she didn't see it coming.

Clarke promised she would be back by 7 o'clock but it was now 8. Lexa called once but got no response. Maybe she got caught up doing that important thing. She never even told you what it was Lexa. Lexa shook the thought of it out of her head she knows Clarke's job is confidential and so is hers. They never ask each other about their lines of work but Lexa couldn't help but worry about the girl after the incident.

At 10:52pm Lexa received a text from Clarke.

CG 💕: Hey I'm sorry I couldn't make it, got caught up. See you soon.

Me: Is everything okay?

CG 💕: Yea I'm fine just work that's all. Goodnightt

Me: Night.

That was the last time she heard from Clarke in a week. Lexa called Clarke time after time and got no response. Lexa even went to her apartment but it seemed that it had been deserted for days. Lexa gave up, she assumed that Clarke had left her for good until she was called into the torture room under the Pentagon. Lexa didn't expect to see what she saw in that interrogation.

"Nia" Lexa scowled

Nia was the former VP until she resigned well she had no choice not to. Lexa was on the verge of exploiting her if she didn't.

"Lexa nice to see you again" Nia smiled devilishly as if she did something to ruin Lexa's life.

"Leave us" Lexa simply said. The interrogators left leaving Nia and Lexa alone. They didn't tell her that she was the intruder that messed with the security camera's, now it made since on how a civilian got so far into the white house. "What do you want?" Lexa spat.

"You shouldn't be so hostile to a person that holds something precious to you" Nia clasped her hands together still being handcuffed to the table.

"You have nothing of mine, you bitch stay the hell away from my life or else" Lexa held anger but she wasn't going to let it show.

"Or else what?" Nia smirked. "How's Costia by the way, I've heard about the split up"

"That's none of your business"

"Oh but it is, your former wife was a passionate love maker" Lexa knew what Nia was trying to do, mind games won't work on her anymore.

"That's good and all but Costia isn't my concern"

"Oh but Clarke Griffin is" Nia smiled as Lexa's mouth dropped open. "You really know how to choose them"

Lexa regained her composure and slammed her hands on the table in front of Nia. "How do you know her" Lexa practically yelled.

"She's quite the fighter I tell you that. I did not know you we're still into blondes" Nia saw Lexa dying to explode, she had Lexa right where she wanted her. "She's quite an important person, people would pay to have her disappear"

Those words woke Lexa up. It made sense now, Clarke wasn't ignoring Lexa this whole week she was kidnapped by Nia, she was in trouble and Lexa did nothing to save the girl instead she accused the girl of leaving again when Clarke promised she wouldn't. I should've known, Lexa repeated over and over again.

"You fucking bitch, where is she?!" Lexa was practically screaming in Nia's face.

"Somewhere you'll never hear her scream"

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