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Lexa's POV

I love the way she smiles and how she makes a noise when she eating something that taste good. Is it crazy that I would give up everything in my life just to see her smile again. After the lunch Clarke and I had a week ago, we've been taking walks together outside the White house with security of course but it still just felt like it was just us. I haven't seen Clarke genuinely smile in a while it's always a forced smile like she's trying to hard. I try not to notice it but I can't help but feel sorry for her. I want to tell her, I want to tell her that I'd leave my wife for her, leave my life for her. I want to be with her.

"Lexa, you're staring" Clarke says making me look away from her.

"Hey I can't help when I see something beautiful I stare" I give her a smirk with makes her blush.

"Smooth Woods very smooth" there goes that fake smile again.

"I know" I smile and continue walking. It was a very beautiful day but I haven't really noticed it. Something else has caught my eye as always. Those blue eyes that lost their spark. I need to tell her that she makes me feel alive again but it isn't the right time. I don't care I'm going to do it anyway. "Clarke..."

"Madame President, sorry to disturb you but your wife has asked to see you"

Fuck how did I forget I had a wife.

I nodded my head towards Abby and gave Clarke an apologetic smile. "I'll see you tomorrow again at this time" she nods and I make my way back into the White House.

Costia was sitting in my chair when I reached the Oval Office. She turned in the spinning chair and glared at me before she spoke,

"Are you fucking her" there wasn't just anger in her eyes it was pain too.


"Are you fucking her!" She raises her voice.

"I don't know where you got such a rid-"

"Just answer the question Lexa!" she stood up from the chair slamming the palm of her hands on the desk in front of her in rage. I could tears starting to fall from those hazelnut eyes. I did to fall in love with her a long time ago but that was then and this is now, she's not the person anymore and neither am I.

"No, I didn't" I breathed.

She didn't say another word she just stood there in silence staring outer space. My wife was gone, she wasn't Costia anymore and it's all my fault.

After another few minutes of silence Costia headed for the door in full speed her eyes now leaking with liquid. I mange to grab her wrist before she grab the door knob and pulled her into a tight hug she was now sobbing. I never meant to hurt her I just wanted to hurt myself for what I did, It was my fault that Aden is no longer here, changed her and I can never change her back I can never never fix what's been broken I can try and fix her but... If I succeed then who's going to fix me.

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