Amusement Park (C)

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(A/N) Hey, kids! <3 So apparently there's been some controversy about genderqueer Lafayette going around the fandom? I hopped on the nonbinary!Laf train because of representation, not because he's flamboyant, and to assign anyone a sexuality/gender identity based on stereotypes is disgusting. However, that doesn't make the people who happen to fit into those stereotypes any less valid. That being said, have some more nonbinary!Laf because I love them, I love you, and representation is really important~

Requested by: BOOKS_IS_MY_LIFE_21

"Finally," Alexander complained, "I thought we'd never get in."

"Oui, I didn't believe the park to be so packed today." Lafayette agreed and began to collect everyone's seasonal passes and wallets, placing the cards and money into their purse so they aren't lost on any roller coasters.

"Hey, Alex." Hercules nudged his much smaller friend, a sly grin on his face, "I bet a can win Laf a prize before you can get one for Laurens." 

Alexander went on his toes in a failed attempt to not have to look up at Hercules. Smirking, he accepted the challenge, "You're on."

The two stood stern with stoic faces, staring at each other until they broke into laughter.

"So what game is Alex going to cream you in?" Laurens teased, coming behind Alexander to wrap his arms around the smaller boy's waist.

"You have it wrong, mon ami," Lafayette chuckled, "My Hercules will be the winner."

Hercules stuck his tongue out and intertwined his fingers with Laf's. Leaving with a devilish wink, he lead the group through crowds, past game stands, and to a towering high-strike bell.

"No way." Alexander gaped, craning his neck to look up at the bell.

"You never said the game, Alexander." Hercules jokingly leaned one arm on Alex's head.

Alexander ducked from under the arm, receding to the other side of John. "You've got to be kidding me, this is so not fair! I'm 5'3 and you're going to break the damn thing," he yelled, throwing his arms into the air and causing the gang and a few passerbys to laugh. "I weigh like a third of one of your arms!"

"All is fair in love and war, man." Hercules chuckled, grabbing the mallet and preparing to slam it down. He brought the huge hammer over his head but, to his annoyance, Alexander slyly kicked the back of his knee as it was being brought down. Herc's leg faltered, causing him to lose his balance as the hammer descended onto the platform. He glared at his smaller friend as the weight traveled up the wire and missed the bell.

"All is fair in love and war."

"Alright, alright." Hercules held his hands up in defeat, "I'll play fair."

Laurens caught Lafayette's eye and winked, a playful message of "who's going to cream who?"

Lafayette scoffed, an amused smile plastered on their face. "Just you wait, my friend."

The group of friends scavenged the amusement park in search of desired prizes and a fair game. In the end, they settled on a water gun race in which the first person to hit their target and fill a slim tank is deemed the winner. Needing at least four players and being too impatient to wait, they all joined in on the game. 

It was, by far, the most amusing thing that the worker will ever see during his job.

Lafayette was shooting at Hercules' target in an attempt to fill the tank faster, Laurens and Alexander were shooting their target with the gun in one hand, shoving their friends with the other hand, and cheering for their boyfriend. At one point, Hercules let Lafayette take over his gun so he can drag Alexander from his seat and place him on the ground. All of this occurring in a matter of seconds, the worker was cracking up until the alarm blared, signalling that there was a winner. 

"No f-rigging way!" Hercules yelled, censoring himself in the family friendly park, "How is that possible? I had two guns at my target!"

Laurens threw his arms in the air, declaring victory even though Herc's and Laf's tank was a few inches behind him, "We were shoving you! Alex and I were shoving you! Both of you kept missing your target when we shoved you!"

Alexander shot up from his seat and ran the few feet to John, cheering and wrapping him in a tight hug. "I didn't beat you, Herc, but my boyfriend did and that's close enough!"

The four friends discussed over the prize for about ten minutes, the worker becoming more and more astonished by the group. Finally, John claimed a teddy bear that was the size of Hercules and big enough for all of them to lay their heads on. Hercules carried the bear on his shoulders as they walked through the park, Alexander leading the group on a trail of roller coasters until the park was near closing time. 

"C'mon, one more!" Alexander pleaded, already heading in the direction of a monster of a ride.

"You're such an adrenaline junky," John teased, pulling Alexander's hand to slow him down.

"Yes, I am, can we?" Alex spoke rapidly, his heart pumping with excitement. 

Herc glanced at Lafayette, already knowing their answer, "Babe, you already got eight pictures from the other roller coasters."

"There is no harm in one more," Laf pleaded.

"Laurens?" Hercules sighed

John faked a smile, "I'm up for it."

"Yes!" Alexander cheered, dragging Laurens behind him as he sped to the line. Laf and Herc followed at their own pace, making comment on how their friend is basically a puppy and then trying to conclude which type of dog they'd all be. Due to the time, there was little to no waiting line.

Alex stood at the gate for the first row, bouncing on his toes from anticipation. John, on the other hand, could only eye the tracks, following the journey of the carts with a pit in the bottom of his stomach and the middle of his throat. 

"John, baby, are you okay?" Alexander watched Laurens carefully, having noticed that his boyfriend's breath quickened.


"Mon ami, you do not have to ride if you do not wish to," Laf placed a gentle hand on their friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, Jay, I'll wait with you if you want." Hercules offered, the giant bear from earlier sitting next to him in line.

"N-no, I got this." a blush made its way across Laurens' freckled face, "Thank you, though." 

The roller coaster crept into the station, accompanied by cheering and the worker's tired "Welcome back, riders.". The safety gates swung open and the remaining park goers began to board. Laurens took a deep breath.

"Are you sure, baby?"

"Mhm," John nodded, shoving Alexander out of the line and towards the cart in front of them. The couple slowly took their seats, John gripping Alexander's hand for dear life.

Hercules sat the bear on the other side of the station so he can grab it on their way out. Giving John a thumbs up and a "You got this!", he took his seat next to Lafayette.

Employees went down the rows of carts, checking everyone's seat-belts. Then the worker by the microphone began to count down from five. They launched at three.

Laurens has never screamed louder in his life. Alexander squeezed his hand, a reminder that John was here and okay. The entire ride they were connected by one hand while Alex raised his other hand towards the sky. All the while, Hercules and Lafayette are yelling and laughing with their hands in the air. 

When they pulled into the station, Laurens was shaking. With wide eyes, he whispered "Holy shit, that was amazing."

The gang laughed as they exited their carts, nudging John slightly as they left the station. They made one final stop at the picture stand before heading home, John and Alex cuddled up to their bear in the back seat and Hercules in the driver's seat, one of his hands holding Laf's.

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