Chapter 11

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Jack and Finn arrived to the lobby soon after Rose. Caroline and I were glad because we didn't want to speak with her at all. I because Finn's into her and Caroline, I guess there's not a real reason, she just hates her. We started walking until Jack got a call and asked us to wait.  Rose was being extra flirty ( cough slut ) around Finn. He was smiling and speaking to her and she was super close and biting her lip. Why don't you put a "Need a guy, getting bitchy" sign on your forehead? As Caroline can tell, Rose always brings the best of me.

I just smiled and pretend I was not even looking at them. Just as Rose was getting closer to Finn's face and he was just laughing and playing along with her, Jack came. I like no hot scenes so thanks Jack for your perfect timing. He looked nice and simple, jeans not tight nor baggy, and simple black shirt. Caroline just looked at me and smiled, we have this theory that guys look way hotter in black, but both Jack of Finn look great with anything.

We went to a restaurant/club where we could dance. We meet other friends of theirs, no one that I've seen before on their channel or anywhere actually. I wasn't in a dancing mood after dinner and Caroline was having a great time with Jack so I was not going to ask her to leave with me, so I just said I needed air and went out.

I sat on a bench right in front of the place so I could see when they came out. -What is wrong with me? I get to hang out with the boys I wanted to meet more than any other people on earth, and One Direction of course, but what is my problem? Just when I finished speaking with myself I saw someone coming out. I have not being able to see perfectly. Is it someone I know? As the figure came closer I noticed it was Jack or Finn, but I still couldn't tell. I'm totally blind, we locked eyes and I still wasn't sure who he was, but he was walking towards me.

"Why did you come out Mel?" It was Finn.

"I needed some air... Why did you come out?" He sat next to me but wasn't looking. He was thinking about something else, he kept looking nowhere. I saw his profile, his mind was not here.

"You didn't need air, are you bored, want me to take you back? Remember tomorrow we leave." This was something I didn't want anyone to recall. Yes, I'll be with them but it won't be the same. "You didn't answer my question and no, thanks. I don't want to leave." I said in a relaxed voice, trying not to sound like I was lying at all.

"Then let's just chat. Do you mind if I smoke?" I do. "No, go on." I lied again. "What's wrong with you and Rose?" He does wants me to be lying all night...

"Nothing's wrong with her, why?"  I asked trying not to breath the smoke

"Well she has told me loads of things and..."

"Bitch..." I said as quietly as I could but Finn heard and smiled in a sexy way

"She actually told me nothing. I just noticed that anytime I speak about you with her, she gets the nerves."

"The thing is she loves troubles and I'm done with her." I started getting exalted about the thought.

"I don't like her that much anyway." My jaw dropped down. He has been acting like he couldn't imagine life without her. I had no words. He stood up and realized he shouldn't have said that. "Don't worry, I'm not telling anyone." I stood up too for no reason.

"Have I told you that I love how you pretend to have everything under control and then small things make me tell you don't?" He said smiling,  and threw the cigarette  I'm taking that as a compliment for sure. "How can you tell?" I said as serious as I could. "I look close." as he said this he started getting closer, I was still. We looked into my eyes and I melted. I hate cigarettes but as he got close I could smell the mix of lotion and smoke which I liked. I felt the warmth of his body getting closer. He grabbed my waist and saw my eyes.  I just stare, is he kissing me? He's face got closer, and right when his lips were going to touch mine he moved and kissed my cheek.

He just jerked away and said "Probably it is time to call the others." It was the strangest thing in the world, and for a weird reason I was glad he didn't kiss me. Half of me wanted that kiss so badly but the other half was relieved it didn't happen. On our way back the guys met someone and stopped to talk, Caroline and I went straight to the hotel. I pulled her into my room before a Jack came and told her what had happened.

"Why the fuck you didn't kiss him before he pulled away?"

 "Caroline I couldn't..."

 "I know, I know."

I was looking at the window and I could see the twins coming, so Caroline ran and I sat on my bed and thought, maybe I should tell Jack about Finn. Or maybe ask him something in a way that if he knows anything he can tell me.

"Mel are you awake?" Jack asked silently as he entered the room

"Yes, don't worry. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about Finn" Well that was easier than asking indirectly about him.

"Do you like him?" God! You just can't ask people that. Should I say the truth, probably I should, or not? Help! I clearly looked shocked and he started getting worried.

"Mm no..." I said, don't ask why because I'm not able to answer that correctly either.


"Really, why?"

"The thing is I thought you did and I got worried..."


"Well Finn's a nice guy, but he's a player. He doesn't even like Rose, I know you thought he did, but he doesn't. He's with her because she's just like him. And he told me what happened a while ago..." "Omg, he did?" "Yes, and he told me he liked you in a 'player' way but then he realized he actually thinks you are a nice girl and doesn't want to fool around with you, that's why he didn't kissed you..."

I'm speechless...

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