Chapter 12

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Jack is quite good with talking. After the Finn talk we chatted about stuff, Italy tomorrow, my school, his job, etc. He slept first, I just remember watching him asleep, his peaceful look helped me sleep right after him.

A kiss on my forehead woke me up. Without glasses I wasn't able to see perfectly but I'm guessing it was Jack who was leaving with his luggage. I realized I needed to pack and go to the airport or I would lose my flight to Italy. I rushed into the bathroom and shower as fast as I could. When I came out I found a Post-It on the mirror "It was nice sharing room Mel, hope to see you soon in Italy, Jack X". He manages to make me smile even when he's not with me. After that I finish packing super fast. My flight was scheduled to leave at 12:00 p.m, its 10 and I have about half an hour to get a cab. I took my stuff down to the lobby and checked out although jack could have probably already done that.

"Yes Ms. your room was ready, your boyfriend came a while ago." I couldn't stop myself from laughing and correcting the men.

"Anyway, a friend of yours left you something, let me go and get it." Was it Caroline? Or Christy? The man gave me a box, I opened it and it had a dress, a picture and a letter. "Finn liked it hon, maybe you should put it sometime and see if he likes it too, catch up with you in Italy with mio ragazzo amore. Rose xoxo". In the picture Finn and Rose were dancing, having the time of their lives, the dress was nice so I decided to keep it and throw everything else.

Traffic was horrible. Shit. I'll never make it on time. I was just looking the crowed street and my watch. -Boarding time: 11:30- said the ticket, I still have 10 minutes to arrive on time. If I lose the plane I'll be sent back home, which is something I can't afford.

I got the airport and did line for my check-in. "Hello, can I have your papers please?" I gave everything to the lady. "Mm, Ms. I'm afraid we have a problem..." Don't look worried yet Melissa. "There was a problem with this flight to Italy, it was oversold and it is already full. We gave preference to the people that came first." This has to be a horrible joke. "So you mean I won't be able to go because of your fault?" When it's time to play bitch I always up for the role. "We are sorry Ms. we had that problem with other people too, can you please come to our waiting room?" She pointed the premier salon, so I said yes.

"Ha! You came late too."

"Good morning Finn, nice to see you too." I thought he would be a lot more awkward after yesterday. If he's fine, I'm too. He smiled and I sat in front of him. "Why did you arrive late anyway?"

"Funny short story. After what happened yesterday night with you, Jack came to lecture me about that, his kind of my dad you know? Everyone thinks I'm more serious, and I am sometimes but when it comes to life lessons Jackson wins the over-protective parent prize. So he told me to be more responsible and be nice to you. I'm charming with you, am I not? He didn't go to my room earlier today and I thought we were waiting for each other, then I realized he had left without me and came here late."

It was a strange but funny thing he speaking about last night. Before I could say anything back an air hostess came to us. The airline was sorry for what happened and gave us first class tickets, "Ms. you'll be seated next to the gentleman, is that ok for you?" I saw a smile for a second on Finn's face. "I'll survive, thanks."

Finn's POV

I wanted to be with  Melissa in the plane, maybe this will be interesting. She's like a child all excited to be seated on first class. We sat and started chatting. Melissa is smarter than I thought , not that I ever saw her being senseless but she is pretty clever.  I'm genuinely sorry for what I did yesterday and I'll try to make it up for Mel. She doesn't need to know I'll be playing the good guy with her yet.

"So tell what's exactly your plan with Rose." She's direct, subtle as a gun.

"I have no plans with her. She was playing, I played along, but nothing happened."

"She swore you like her."

"I don't like easy girls. I'm classier than I look Mel. Forget what happen in Spain, Italy is going to show you a new Finn, promise." I'm getting cheeky, I need to calm down. Melissa had a relieved smile on her face.

"I bet Jack did a nice job fixing you. I'm ready to meet the new Finn in Italy anyway. I'm going to sleep for a while, goodbye old easy Finn."

"Sleep well babe." I love her laugh with this kind of comments. I'll probably sleep for a while too.

I woke up. My head was on top of hers and hers was on my shoulder. I slept for an hour maybe. I didn't want to move and wake up Melissa. We landed shortly after. She woke up and said sorry for sleeping on me. "New Finn can always be a pillow" I said with a sarcastic tone, no smile this time. Being nice/not that nice to her won't be easy.

We went to the hotel where everyone else was. I gave our reservation papers and the Italian guy which Melissa liked had a ridiculous Italian accent when he spoke English. I wasn't even able to understand most of it. Melissa saw he was struggling and said, "Parlo pocco italiano, possiamo andare a..." "Bravissima!". They stared talking, Mel had a worried face. She came and told me that our reservations were canceled because we didn't arrive with the rest of the group. Without thinking I grabbed her hand and went back to the man.

"Can my girlfriend and I have a room please?" Melissa looked incredibly confused, but it was the only way to get somewhere to sleep. The Italian guy rapidly gave us a key to our room. We went up holding hands and smiling to him, as soon as the lift closed its doors she let go off my hand and said, "Are you crazy? If any of my teachers finds out were sleeping in the same room I'll be sent home..." "We're not telling anyone, besides we can always change room with Jack or work something out." I said. We got up to our room and opened the door. A king sized bed. "Well... this is awkward"  I said as Mel looked at me thinking the same

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