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"Who was that kid?" Wonwoo asked as the group left the lunch room.

"A new kid," Seungcheol scoffed, "pretty sure he's a transfer from some private school. I can already tell he's an ass."

The rest of the group was quiet. They knew their place around Seungcheol, rather than how Jeonghan didn't. They knew that with a single wrong move, the whole school would be on their ass. So they went along with whatever Seungcheol did. No matter what.

"Sooner or later I'll either have that bitch around my finger, or thrown into a garbage can."


"What do I do Jisoo?" Jeonghan asked his friend over the phone, "it's my first day of school and I think I'm being bullied."

"You think?!" Jisoo replied, "he took your lunch, flung you on the ground and told you to know your place. Seems a lot like bullying if you ask me."

"Shit. Was I like that?"

"Nah man. You were more like a black mail kind of guy. I don't think you could call that bullying."

Jeonghan sighed. He went from being at the top at Gongsang academy, to being the lowest level of trash at this new school. A week ago, the thought of him being bullied never crossed his mind. He basically controlled all of the social aspects of the school. But it seems like he has just run into one who thinks that same way.

"I guess you're right," he responded, "But what should I do to get my rep back? It looks like the whole school wants to hurt me now. They think I'm some sort of rich bitch."

"You are a rich bitch, Jeonghan."

"Wow, thanks."

"Hey. You just gotta do whatever it takes to get on his good side."

"Hmm... I see. But how?"

"I don't know. You're rich, you're handsome, you're gay. Use it to your advantage."

"Okay, I guess."

"Well, I gotta go. Minghao and I are planning freshman bizz ya know?"

Jeonghan laughed, but he was a little sad. It was usually him heading the "freshman bizz" as they called it. Basically, they dug up dirt from the freshmens pasts and use it against them to basically get them to do whatever they wanted, that way they wouldn't be bothered by anyone for the year.

"Okay, bye Jisoo."

Once he hung up, Jeonghan laid back on his bed and let out a loud groan.

Use it to my advantage?

He thought with a raised eyebrow.

It may not be such a bad idea...


Jeonghan is the biggest hoe y'all.


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