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"Hey, calm down man."

Wonwoo paced back and fourth while Seungcheol, Jun, and Hansol sat on a desk as they listened to his story of the happenings from earlier.

"How can I be calm!?" Wonwoo exclaimed, "I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

"Not before I do," Seungcheol added, "he ruined my life before yours, so I get to ruin his before you."

Wonwoo stopped pacing for a moment.

"I'm gonna make sure he never touches Mingyu again."

"Wonwoo!" Seungcheol interrupted, he started at Wonwoo with cold and intimidating eyes, "If I see you so much as spare a glance at Kim Mingyu, you'll end up just like him. Friendless and miserable."

Wonwoo rolled his eyes, "he didn't look friendless and miserable..."

With that said, Seungcheol stood up from the desk and went over to the taller boy and grabbed him by the collar.

"Hey, you're not with him for a reason remember. Do not forget who you are. You may be high up but I can throw you right back down, you got it?"

The younger male rolled his eyes once again and agreed not to do anything about Mingyu.

Then the four went on their ways to classes. Seungcheol reluctantly sat in his seat right behind Jeonghan.

"Good morning Seungcheol!" Jeonghan beamed as he turned around to face the older, "looking extra feisty today!"

"Shut the fuck up," Seungcheol snapped. He chucked a pencil in Jeonghans direction and it hit him straight in the forehead, causing him to blink and turn away.

The teacher began her lecture and mentioned to the students about a group project that was due in 3 days. The class groaned but she stayed enthusiastic.

She began to pull names from a small jar for who would be paired with who. The class groaned some more. She read off pairs of people painfully slowly.

Then she got to the very last two...

"Choi Seungcheol and Yoon Jeonghan."

"Fuck no!" Seungcheol said immediately as he stood up from his seat, "no way in hell!"

Jeonghan raised his hand from where he sat and spoke calmly, "I refuse to work with him."

Stares from the other students burned holes into the boys flesh. The teacher crossed her arms as Jeonghan and Seungcheol began to argue about why this was so outrageous.

Jeonghan: I don't need to be abused while trying to do my project!

Seungcheol: this kids probably gonna make me do the work while he goes out to some rich kid party!

Jeonghan: yeah right, like you could do this project by yourself!

Seungcheol: I may not be book smart, but at least I could last more than a day without my parents hand feeding me!

Jeonghan: yeah okay but at least they care about me!

"Well maybe you both can work out your differences in detention," the teacher said plainly, making the boys shut their mouths and sigh regretfully.


I feel like this chapter was garbage but oh whale.

Next chap is gonna start the sorta cute stuff but idk not really at the same time...

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter more than I do.

See you bye

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