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By the time lunch came around, it was almost like the first day of school again. Jeonghan and Seungcheol payed no attention to each other, while the rest of the schools eyes were glued on them, waiting for some kind of interaction between them. It was like they were expecting a bomb to go off or something. Seungcheol noticed it too.

He sat with the usual group of people who still seemed a bit uneasy from the conversation before school.

"Didn't expect you sit with us," Wonwoo mumbled.

Seungcheol sat with his hands in his lap, staring at the unappealing school food in front of him. But his appetite was lost. He shrugged.

A long silence followed. Mingyu, Wonwoo and Hansol ate their food awkwardly. They knew people were watching to. Watching and waiting for Seungcheol to go over to Jeonghan who sat by himself, per usual.

"I didn't expect it either," Seungcheol replied. "Honestly, I don't even know why I care anymore," he said, a low chuckle under his breath. "At this point I just don't know what to do."

There was another long silence. It was tense and the words Seungcheol spoke echoed through the other threes ears. They exchanged glances for a few moments, before Mingyu finally spoke up.

"Seungcheol, I'm sorry," he said. "You were right about everything. It was so dumb to just think you couldn't have a relationship I just... I feel so bad about it."

Seungcheol looked up at him with big, almost puppy dog eyes that weren't like his usual icy cold stare. His expression was soft and showed the side of him that only Jeonghan had seen.

"I'm sorry too," Wonwoo said.

"Th-thanks," Seungcheol stuttered, a bit surprised by the sudden apologies. "Really guys, thank you."

"You don't have to thank us," Wonwoo said, exasperation in his voice. It took much coaxing from Mingyu to get him to accept Seungcheol's circumstances. He kept insisting that Jeonghan had done too much harm to be forgiven. Mingyu though, rebuttled by saying that he really did help them get back together, and willingly too. It was Mingyu who didn't go through with his part on the deal they had made. Plus, Jeonghan made Seungcheol happy. And his life is hard enough. Shouldn't they just let their friend be happy? Eventually, Wonwoo gave in.

"But he's sitting over there by himself probably wondering if his boyfriend is gonna go sit with him."

Seungcheol shifted in his seat and glanced over his shoulder at Jeonghan who was hunched over his lunch at the end of a table, all alone.

"But what about everyone else. What are they gonna think of me?" Seungcheol said, sinking lower into his seat.

"Choi Seungcheol!" Mingyu said, grabbing the attention of the one sitting across from him. "First of all, who the fuck cares that you're gay? Who the fuck cares who you're dating? If they do care, they shouldn't because it's not their business. Second, you're the most feared person in school. You can still be that no matter what you are honestly. You basically decide what's good and bad. You have that power Seungcheol. Everyone is scared of you."


"Oh my god. Seungcheol yes. Now fucking go okay?"

With a shove on his shoulder, Seungcheol stood up. He had every eye of the cafeteria on him. But he slowly made his way over to the table where Jeonghan was sitting. He took the spot across from him. He could hear gasps from around the room.

"Jeonghan," he said softly.

The younger boy slowly lifted his head up and his eyes widened. His mouth was full of rice to the point where his cheeks puffed out and he resembled a squirrel. Seungcheol couldn't help himself from laughing.

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