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Jeonghan took his time to get ready. From the past, he had learned that the day after he made someone look like an idiot, it was important that you look your best. Your reputation could diminish if you didn't. If no one noticed you, you're forgotten about, so you must stand out.

He wore a short sleeved denim shirt, tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans that hugged his long legs just the right way. He also had on a pair of $600 leather shoes that he had gotten on a trip to Europe, and a black, large brimmed hate over his long hair that was left untamed. The hat gave him a more feminine look that would give him that much more attention.

He looked like he belonged in a Vogue magazine. It displayed Jisoo's top qualities extremely well. Handsome, rich, and gay. And he was going to win the school that way.

Once he arrived, he was immediately faced with silence. But he didn't mind it a single bit, because, though no one bothered to speak a word to him, they said enough with their eyes. Staring him down like a Victoria's Secret model. Both the boys and the girls. They were all locked on him. Exactly what he wanted.

He strode proudly down the hallway to his first class, taking the students attention with him as well. His hair flowed over his shoulders with every step he took. As cliche as it sounds, he felt like a queen.

He made his way into his classroom, only to be welcomed by Seungcheol and his groupies. They were all gathered around Seungcheol's desk which was just behind Jeonghans.

He flashed them a huge smile to mock them, pissing them off on purpose, giving him a chance to humiliate Seungcheol once again.

But he noticed a slight pink blush over Seungcheol's cheeks, just like yesterday, and it gave Jeonghan a weird feeling. He had no idea if Seungcheol was gay, but if he was, does he have a crush on Jeonghan? Impossible. There was no doubt in jeonghans mind that he was attractive. If he wasn't such an asshole, he could definitely picture them together. But it wasn't something he wished to think about.

"Good morning boys," Jeonghan said, "miss me?"

He flipped his hair over his shoulder and took his seat, but facing the others with his legs hanging off either side of the chair.

"Yoon Jeonghan," Seungcheol growled, "don't act cute. I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. You're not some big shot so stop fucking acting like it."

Jeonghan playfully rolled his eyes and rested his head in his hand.
"Now, Seungcheol," he cooed, "I've none nothing wrong. I've been nothing but nice to you and this is how you repay me?"

The fire inside Seungcheol was set a blaze and there was most definitely no stopping him now. An angry Seungcheol was like a hurricane.

He lunged forward and grabbed Jeonghan by his collar. He got so close to his face that their noses were only an inch away.

"Listen here you fucking bitch, this is my school. You're following my rules. If you can't handle that, I'll get you thrown out of this place. And that's a promise-"

"I can smell mint on your breath," Jeonghan interrupted, causing Seungcheol's face to turn a bright red.
"I love mint."
He moved his nose down closer to his mouth that hung slightly open and took a deep breath.
"Whatever gum you have smells so amazing," he said with a swoon.

And with that, Seungcheol pulled away and stormed out of the room, the other three following behind.



Jeongcheol is on the way y'all

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