'8' russian

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where Bucky an Nat are always speaking in Russian about how much he likes Steve and one day Steve gets Jarvis to translate.
Everything in asterisks will be spoken in Russian** because i don't feel like translating everything.

*nat nat nat look at Stevie* Bucky exclaimed in Russian.

*buck I swear if you're looking at his ass again ill-* Natasha began to reply

*okay I was but that's beside the point. Look how cute he is when he's sleeping. He looks like a literal puppy.* James cut her off while he pointed to Steve 'sleeping' on the couch.

*i swear James just tell him I'm so close to just killing the both of you* she replied looking as if she had had this conversation a hundred times already.

*i get that you want me to tell him nat but I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection.* he replied

*he loves you back you spork. I know you're old but you're not blind...right?* she joked.

*how could you possibly know that?* he asked skeptically.

*ive seen the way he looks at you. It's the exact same way you look at him. All lovey and adoring and whatnot.* she told him matter-of-factly.

*maybe I should just tell him* Bucky said nervously

*thats what I've been saying this entire time* Nat said while rolling her eyes.

*no no I can't do it.* he replied looking disheveled

*why not James come on it ca-* her statement was interrupted by none other than Captain Rogers who apparently wasn't sleeping at all

"Hey Jarvis would you mind translating Agent Romanoff and Sergeant Barnes conversation from Russian to English?" He asked innocently.

*what no* James said on Russian though he hadn't realized yet

"What no Jarvis don't" he repeated in English.

"Sorry buck. I made the request already. It can't be cancelled. I just wanna know what you two are always conspiring about." Steve said while Jarvis processed the request.

"nat nat nat look at Stevie" Jarvis began to replay the conversation in English

"buck I swear if you're looking at his ass again ill-"

"okay I was but that's beside the point. Look how cute he is when he's sleeping. He looks like a literal puppy."

"i swear James just tell him I'm so close to just killing the both of you"

"I get that you want me to tell him nat but I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection."

"he loves you back you spork. I know you're old but you're not blind...right?"

"how could you possibly know that?"

"ive seen the way he looks at you. It's the exact same way you look at him. All lovey and adoring and whatnot."

"maybe I should just tell him"

"thats what I've been saying this entire time."

"no no I can't do it."

"why not James come on it ca-"

"Here he conversation continues in English. Would you like me to play that Captain Rogers."
Jarvis stated

"No that's okay Jarvis." Steve said while turning to Bucky and Natasha.

"Surprise." James stated weakly.

"I'm just going to..." Natasha trailed off as she left the room.

"I'm sorry Stevie once I realized I was in love with you I tried to stop but that's not how things work an-"

Steve cut him off when he embraced him tightly.

"Buck you stupid jerk I've been in love with you for longer than I can remember, id have to be stupid to reject you." Steve said while Bucky looked him in the eyes, blue on blue.

"I love you to punk." Bucky replied lovingly

Within moments lips were on lips and hips were on hips as the two men tried to make up for years of love lost.

So that was ch 8 I think, I hope you like it. Does anyone even read these

Fairy queermother™ signing out

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