'7' Pride

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"Hey isnt that?" A voice chimed in from the crowd.

"Aren't you..." Another began.

"You're Captain America!" The young voice chimed in while trying to get her brothers attention again. She couldn't have been more then 7 and was missing one of her front teeth, she also had a pride flag tied like a cape around her shoulders and was wearing a neon pink tutu. She was adorable.

"And you're Sergeant Barnes!" Her brother replied with a look of utter admiration on his face. He was wearing a shirt that said 'I'm here and I'm queer' and had on a SnapBack with the pride flag on it he looked about 17 years old.

"Uh yea that's me, Stevie and I here wanted to check out pride, we've never been seeing as how there never really was a pride when we were growing up." Bucky said while slinging an arm around Steve's shoulders

"So you two are...like together?" The boy asked "I'm max by the way this is my sister Grey and it's great to meet you."

"Yea we've been together for as long as I can remember really, it's just always been Steve and Buc-" Steve paused and looked over at James "Bucky and Steve." He finished which made everyone chuckle including Bucky.

"That's amazing...but why haven't we heard about it?" Max asked looking puzzled

"Well the media isn't the happiest with us at the moment as it is so I don't think it would be the best time to come out if ya know what I mean." Bucky said with a somewhat serious face

"Oh max definitely knows what ya mean, when he tried to come out at school everyone was real mean. I don't like bullies. At all." She said with a spirit in her voice that reminded Bucky of Steve

"Well Grey you know who else doesn't like bullies. Stevie here. Always hated em' and he didn't care if they were twice his size he'd always stand up for everyone when they needed it. I think you have quite a lot in common."
Bucky said while kneeling down so he could talk directly to the girl.

"Well yea but you have a cool metal arm." She said. "Can I touch it." She questioned as she looked up at Bucky.

"Why not." He said as he kneeled down once again so she'd be able to touch his arm.

"So when are you two planning on tying the knot?" Max asked with a look of curiosity on his face "not to be intrusive or anything!"

"No it's okay" Steve and Bucky said at the same time.

"That was weird" Grey chimed in while giggling.

"Stars" max muttered while looking at his phone "I'm sorry we have to go, it was literally one of my dreams to meet you guys. I'm so happy."
He said

"Hey stay in touch okay." Bucky said while giving Max his phone number.

"Byyyeeeee James." Grey said while giving him a big hug.

"See ya doll." He said using all the charm and flirt he would back in the ninety's, ending it by throwing a wink in her direction.

"Well bye." Max said before hoisting Grey up on his shoulders and walking away, her pride cape flowing in the wind.

*timeskip. I bet ya thought it was over. Nope.*

"So uh Stevie I've got something I've been meaning to tell you." Bucky said nervously

"Um me too." Steve replied, looking just as frazzled.

"Okay you first." Bucky blurted out.

"No you should go first to said it first." Steve reasoned.

"Well go at the same time okay." Bucky suggested so they began to count down




Bucky got down on one knee while Steve did the same. They both burst out laughing.

"How" *laugh* "did we manage" *wheeze* "this"
Bucky manages to choke out hole being reduced to tears because of how much he was laughing.

"I don't" *wheeze* "know" *almost falls over from laughter*

They both make an attempt to compose themselves as they open the small ring boxes while still stifling laughter.

"Well, I had a whole speech planned on why I'm a petty cool guy and why you should marry me but ya know, you seemed to already know that."
Bucky said while looking Steve in the eyes.

"I had this big thing planned where I'd get down on one knee at our first pride but it looks like we had the same idea but nonetheless." Steve said while still giggling.

"Will you marry me." They said simultaneously they also simultaneously burst out into uncontrollable laughter once more at the irony of the situation.

"Yes of course you jerk." Steve said while standing up because he had only just realized how long they were just on the ground.

"I'd marry you any day, little punk." Bucky said while also standing up as he took Steve's hand in his own as rings were put on fingers and he was pulled into a kiss.

When they pulled away they were almost to occupied with each other that they didn't notice the tv cameras. Almost."

"So much for not coming out yet huh Stevie." Bucky said while gesturing to the cameras.

"I guess you're right." Steve said while leaning in for another kiss.

*back at Max and Grey's*

max hollered while still staying glued to the screen. "I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. STUCKY IS REAL AND STICKY IS GETTING MARRIED I CAN NOW DIE IN PEACE."

Aaaand scene. Finished at 2:27 yay. Now I must sleep. ew

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