'9' swear jar

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This chapter is dedicated to StayTrue2You for sending me this prompt. You should go follow them. They're really nice.
^^Prompt in media^^
tw: lots of swearing. Duh.

"Shit!" Natasha exclaimed as she dropped her croissant(yes I finally changed it) on the floor.

"Nat." Steve scolded while holding out a jar with a sticky note on it that reads 'swear jar'

"Oh come on!" She complained while taking a dollar out of her wallet and placing it in the jar.


"How the actual fuck. What the hell." Tony mumbled while observing something on his computer screen.

"C'mon Tony. That one is two dollars." Steve said from the doorway as Tony distractedly threw a twenty in the jar while further examining whatever was on the screen.


"Fucking hell." Bucky mumbled as the group looked from him to steve with troubled expressions.

"What" Steve questioned, feigning innocence.

"You little bitch." Banner mumbled and then proceeded to place a dollar in the jar due to Steve's scolding look


"He's still kind of an ass." Clint said to Thor, not realizing Steve was close.

"A do-" Steve began but was cut off

"I know" he said pausing and putting 4 dollars in the jar. "That if I curse I need to put a fucking dollar in that damn fucking jar.


Wanda was putting 2 dollars in the jar for a particularly nasty cuss when Bucky pulls Steve into the kitchen.

"Stevie what gives, you've got the worst mouth out of anyone I've ever known." He questions

"They made assumptions about me buck and I at least think those assumptions should be able to buy me a new bike or something like that, don't you?" Steve replied, once again feigning innocence.

"Sometimes I forget how fucking devious you are." Buck said while looking at him in awe

"But you love it." Steve teased

"That is true." Bucky said while laughing.

I hope this wasn't too shit *places dollar in jar* sorry if it was.

Fairy queermother™ out. Peace✌🏻

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