'5' #imgayasfucksweetheart

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The press finds out Bucky is the winter soldier, so a bunch of news corporations are writing articles/ having live interviews and Steve has to do one.

"Look at this story Stevie, I look like a monster"
Bucky said, looking down at the article in his hands. "And this TIME one is talking about my skirt chasing, underage drinking and corruption of you." He paused looking worried. "I didn't corrupt you did I Stevie?"

"Come on Buck. This is the media. Twisting facts is what they do. Now cmere and gimme a hug." He said trying to comfort his boyfriend.

*time skip to Steve in a live on air interview by TIME*

A middle aged reporter came and sat down in the chair across from Steve "okay we will be going live in 30 seconds you know the drill"
She said plastering a too-large-to-be-natural smile in her face, waiting for the cameras to roll
"Today we have Captain Rogers here with us to speak out about James Barnes. Captain Rogers, how can you condone the actions of Mr. Barnes with his known skirt chasing, underage drinking and overall corruption of you." She said in her sickeningly sweet reporter voice.

"What the" Steve muttered "Well first off, it's Sergeant Barnes to you, and I noticed you were quoting TIME, one of their more recent articles. Well I'll quote time also. Because it's not like they've ever been wrong before. Right? You know. When they made Adolf Hitler man of the year. But I'm getting off topic. We're talking about my Bucky, the man who's saved my skinny little ass more times than I can count, who's my hero and always has been. Now I suggest you leave my Bucky alone and stop making him look like a bad guy...in fact you all are all looking pretty bad considering sometimes he'll walk into our room an-"

"Captain Rogers. Are you saying you and Mr. Barnes share a room?"

"Yes of course we do now let me finish. He'll walk into our room holding one of your stupid ass articles and won't even hug or kiss me sometimes he won't even look at me because you're trying to convince my Bucky that he's a monster and doesn't deserve me, which is total shit btw, so how about you just leave him alone...or you know better yet since he watches all of your stupid interviews and reads all these damn articles about him." He looks directly at the camera. " hey Bucky I just want to let you know that I love you, and you'll always be my hero, till the end of the line." He finishes his speech and the reporter looks incredibly flustered.

"But I don't und-" she begins

"I'm gay as fuck sweetheart, now leave my Bucky alone or I can have stark buy your little company or better yea just make it illegal to cover any stories concerning the avengers.
He pulled out his phone, blushed and laughed.

"What's so funny Captain" she said trying to continue with her professional demeanor.

"My Bucky just texted me. He said that he's watching the interview, he loves me and wants me home as soon as possible so he can fuck me till I can't walk...now I think I better be going I have some...important things to do." He checked his phone again and chucked again. "He says that I can't say that on air but he still wants me home. Bye."

After this happens the hashtags #seargentbarnesismyhero #imgayasfucksweetheart are trending for weeks and the media/homophobes have a meltdown

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