'14' soulmates

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Soulmate AU In which when both people are 22 you wake up In each others bodies+ you're returned to your own body when you kiss your soulmate. lets get right into it friends
OH AND, basically everything that is canon in the mcu has happened except they are both only 22

Bucky Pov

"G'night stevie."
I said as I shut off all the lights in the apartment I shared with my best friend

"Night Buck" he replied sleepily, a nervous smile playing on his lips

"Wait, are you nervous." I asked, hoping to ease the tension, he turns 22 tomorrow so I I'd be surprised if he wasn't stressed

"A bit." He replied "But hey, how bad can it be" he said

"There's the optimistic Stevie I know, it will all be fine."

"Thanks buck, g'night."

Steve pov

When I woke up, I was confused to say the least, I was supposed to have awoken in my soulmates body but I was still in my apartment in Brooklyn, I continued to be confused until I looked down at the body laying next to me. At the sight of my body sleeping directly next to me, I let out a fairly loud gasp. At this the My body began to stir and I began examining where I was and then it dawned on me. Bucky. It's Bucky. I was completely and utterly overjoyed but, would he feel the same?

When he awoke he sat up slowly and turned to me with half lidded eyes.

"How did I get on your side of the bed Stevie." At his (my?) voice his eyes shot open and he finally saw me (him?) his face was soon consumed by a look of confusion, that was replaced by a smile, which quickly vanished. I had no idea what was going on in his head, I could only hope that it was good.

"Stevie?" He questioned.

"The one and only." I replied with a reluctant smile. What if he was disappointed that I am his soulmate?

"Really, so I'm, I'm not just dreaming?" He asked a genuine smile beginning to form on his face, and I know what you're wondering, yes it was weird seeing my face interpret all the emotions Bucky was feeling.

"No... is that a good thing." I questioned slowly.

"Yes, god Stevie sometimes you're just so thick." He answered a slight chuckle escaping his lips.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?"

I didn't bother answering with words as I leaned in for a kiss, the moments our lips met we were back in our own bodies and honestly I was glad because it would be awkward otherwise. As he continued the kiss, I ran my hands through his bed hair and made an attempt to deepen the kiss which was incredibly well received.

As we broke apart we both had wide smiles visible on our faces.

"I just can't believe... I've been hoping that's what would happen for years now Stevie." He said with a light chuckle.

"Me too you jerk." I replied happily.

"So what now?" He asked

"Do you wanna go get some coffee?" I flirted

"I'd be honored" he said the smile still on his face.

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