i don't know what to call this chapter someone help

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I'm just gonna disregard the events of infinity war thanks 

this is a thank you for 25k+ reads, it means a lot and I'm sorry I've been so dormant when it comes to updating, enjoy and leave any prompt suggestions in the comments.

"do ya think he's still home," Sam asked after the third ring of the doorbell went unanswered.

"he's home, can't you hear the music playing, in there." nat gestured to the door with the full bottle of wine in her hand.

"we didn't tell him we were coming maybe he's out," Clint shrugged and started to turn around.

"we didn't tell him because this was a surprise. now, he's definitely in there, he never leaves music playing, I'm sure he won't mind if we let ourselves in," nat smiled innocently and handed Sam the wine.

"nat oh my god we can't break into his apartment," Sam complained, trying to convince her otherwise.

"sure we can, look, I'm doing it right now," she knelt down and began working on the simple lock on his door.

"you're ridiculous I can't handle you two," Sam ran a hand through his hair. "fucking superheroes" he muttered quietly.

"see no harm done, well just go in, tell him the good news and have a drink or two, it'll be fine." she pushed the for open and straightened up.

"yeah okay."

"Clint, how are you okay with this," Clint looked up, made direct eye contact with Sam and took out his hearing aids, "I'm- just go in."

the trio walked in the door, expecting to steve painting, listening to the loud jazz coming from his speakers, completely lost in thought. that is not what they found. completely lost in thought yes, calmly painting, no. they walked in on their friend being completely ravished against the far wall. steves large frame was pinned to the wall, Bucky was seemingly the only thing holding him up.

<<< pov switch, steve>>>

with the music in the air and bucks hands under my shirt, and on my waist, on my back, and his hands caressing my face, or exploring my chest, with the constant of his strong, sure lips on mine, and his tongue exploring my greedy mouth I was experiencing complete bliss. it had been too long since we had even a few moments of alone time together, and we were making the most of this fantastic opportunity. the low groan that came from my mouth prompted him to break the kiss for a second and peel off my sweat covered shirt. he threw it to the ground, where it joined his sweatshirt and our shoes. he looked into my eyes and smiled, looking completely joyful, and I understood his happiness. we were away from each other for so long, and even after we were reunited, it'd been hard to figure out a way to keep loving each other and keep up or public images. we worked it out though, and were happier than ever, we were allowed to be happy, it was amazing, speaking of amazing things, my train of thought was diverted as he began kissing down my jawline, moving his way to my neck. I was about to suggest a hasty retreat to the bedroom when the volume of the music lowered and someone loudly cleared their throat. fuck.

Buck peeled himself away from me and turned around sheepishly looking over at our unexpected guests. I made a show of sighing and covering my bare chest with his long-discarded hoodie. as I zipped it closed, I looked up at the three of them standing there, Sam looked somewhere between being sorry, and wanting to bolt from the room, nat looked confused, and Clint had a cheek-splitting grin on his face.

"so, uh, this is awkward, I said it was a bad idea I'm leaving," Sam tried to duck out but Nat grabbed him by the arm and gave him a look.

"what are uh, what are you guys doing here," buck asked quietly, scratching the back of his head with his left hand. 

"okay this is awkward but I'm happy for you guys." sam tried to to make his escape, again to no avail. 

"yeah me too, how long has this been going on for," nat asked, looking curious. 

"world class spy isn't happy she didn't see that you guys were together," clint chuckled, nice to know this was amusing to him. 

"for longer than you've been alive Natasha." Buck answered nat previous question and Clint let out another peal of laughter.

"we've had plenty of practice hiding it, I'm not surprised you couldn't tell." I said, taking the wine from Nats hand and placing it in the kitchen.

"okay good point." she said

"im sorry this is so awkward, can we please leave now?" sam looked nearly mortified and he finally made his way to the door. 

"i agree with sam, feel free to show yourselves out," buck grabbed my arm, led me to our shared bedroom and made an example of slamming the door loudly. we could both hear clints laughter through the door. 

"Goodbye!" i yelled right before i heard the front door close.

"shall we continue?" buck asked, a smile on his face.

"god i love you,"

"love you too," he said, before leaning into kiss me again

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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