'6' mistletoe

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stuCkY cHRiStMah!!1!11! Sorry but not really its 1:30 am what do you expect also slight pepperony in the beginning. Stucky happens later

"Oh look the Brooklyn Babes decided to show. It's not like this is my house or anything."
Tony announced when Steve and Bucky walked in the living space 10 minutes after Jarvis said they were supposed too.

"Well technically its not a house it's a tower and um were both over 95 years old. Sorry if we're a little slow" Bucky said while swinging his legs over the back of one of the couches and laying down, taking up the whole thing.

"Funny. Now dinner won't be ready for another half hour and before you complain we are a team and this team will be doing some Christmas bonding." Tony said

"Kinky." Nat muttered under her breath and Barton chuckled lightly seeing as she was practically sitting on his lap and It was ease for him to hear every smart-assey and sarcastic comment that came out of her mouth. Which was a lot.

Steve made Bucky move his legs so he could sit on the couch he was hogging and ended up putting his legs over Bucky's to annoy him while Pepper and Nat shared a suspicious, knowing look which would scare anyone away from asking what it was they were thinking about.

"Alright well I'm going to get us drinks. Pepper you wanna give me a hand" Tony said while getting up and making his way toward the kitchen with Pepper following.

"heY WAIT." Everyone turned towards Steve who hadn't really said anything at all yet. "You two are under the mistletoe and unless it has changed I'm pretty sure that means you have to kiss."

Tony dipped Pepper down a kissed her deeply while her hands found their way into his hair. It was basically one really intense make out scene that made all the others slightly uncomfortable.

"Well that was" Natasha started

"Unexpected" Clint finished for her

"I ship it to be honest" they both said simultaneously as Pepper and Tony brought out a bottle of wine and a few glasses.

"Thanks Pepperony." Clint said when they set it all done on the table.

"Pepperony?" They asked at the same time

"Your ship name. Now can we eat." Natasha replied

"Okay let's go I guess."

Steve and Bucky were the last through the door to the dining hall and Tony made sure they knew it.

"Hey Brooklyn Babes. Look where you're standing." He chuckled while making kiss faces.

"And Tony remember that old tradition that every kiss under the mistletoe has to be better than the last?" Pepper chimed in, a terrifying devilish smirk on her face.

"You can't expect us to-" Steve and Bucky started at the same time.

"It's bad luck not to I mean you don't want to have bad luck on Christmas do you?" Clint chimed in

Within seconds Bucky had Steve pressed up against the wall, their lips connected while Steve moved his hands from their position of being loosely hanging at his sides up to Bucky's hair as he kissed back with ferocity. Bucky placed his arms around Steve's waist as he pulled him in close, nearly as close as two people could get as he deepened the kiss. Steve pulled away and trailed a few kisses down his neck before looking innocently up at the rest of the avengers.

"Wow." Steve said while looking back at Bucky.

"Guess I better tell ya know Stevie. I love you. Have for as long as i can remember." Bucky said while pulling Steve into a hug.

"I love you too you jerk. Now let's go eat." Steve said, remembering the rest of the avengers.

"Yes we are still here. Surprisingly." Tony joked.

"Aww the two superhero grandpas finally kissed." Nat said while trying to take a picture.

"Let's just go eat." Bucky said

Steve leaned in and whispered "I wonder what else you'll be eating tonight."

"You little punk. Let's go"

Haha I need sleep can you tell by my writing I bet you can

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