'10' not thinking straight

8.5K 211 223

GUESS WHOS NOT DEAD? the answer is me if you weren't sure or smtn.

"Cap...captain...stevEN FUCKING ROGERS!" Sam whisper-yelled to Steve who wasn't paying attention at all

"Huh what is it" he said, surprised to be pulled from his reverie

"Exactly. You haven't been paying attention to a single word I've said" Wilson replied, slightly irritated.

"Well..." he said pausing.  "you're not wrong."

"Dammit Cap, believe it or not some of the things I'm saying are important." He said a small frown playing on his lips.

"Sorry Sam, I just.. I cant think straight when Bucky is around." Steve said while looking distractedly at Sergeant Barnes across the room who appeared to be watching something on Netflix 'stranger things'(I'm sorry for being trash) was it?

"I get it, there's a lot of history between you two that might raise some old memories and-" he was almost immediately cut off by Steve

"No no that's not what I meant" he said trying to explain.

"Well then what-" Sam was cut off again mid sentence, he was becoming more and more annoyed.

"I cant think straight like I just wanna kiss him over and over again." Steve said while looking back at Barnes.

"Really? More of this damn queer shit" he said with and annoyed glint in his eye "well is the phone ringing because I fucking called it." He said looking at one of the towers security cameras like he was on the office.

"Um." Steve said, unsure of how to reply.

"Ya know what." He said pausing. "Hey Elsa. Get your shiny metal ass over here" he finished while calling to Bucky.

"Sure okay." James replied while pausing the tv. Unaffected by yet another one of Wilsons nicknames

"Have a seat here would you...riiiiight next to cap." Sam instructed

"I am I am" Bucky said, confused to say the least

"Sam what are you-" Steve began to question, getting worried.

"STEVE IS IN LOVE WITH YOU BYE." Sam yelled while running out of the room. Steve immediately went red and began to stutter out an explanation.

I didn't know if I should end this here or actually get into the stucky. Do you want a part two?
Also. Thank you all so much for 1.5k reads. I honestly never thought this would get past 250. I'm so grateful.

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