Short Poems II

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The world is a dark place,
Ever since we've decided to make it,
To where nobody can feel safe.
Last time I checked,
It was our personal responsibility,
To care for all around us.
Whatever happened to that?


We all cast a shadow,
Where only darkness remains,
And those caught within,
Can't shine as bright.
They can't live as they should,
And thus, get left behind.
I can't get rid of it,
But I'll make my shadow smaller.


You always back away and hide,
Trying to cover your face,
Because you can't take the shame.
And all we see is this mask you wear,
So that the world won't see you.
But when you hide behind a mask,
You're just faceless,
And nobody likes to see you like that.

Ten Seconds

They say that we only live life,
Ten seconds at a time,
That in every ten seconds,
You change the course of history.
Maybe it's time we made those seconds count.
Don't let the time pass by,
Without making something better.

Who Am I?

I've been lost for a while now,
Trying to find who I truly am.
With no memories to guide me,
I continue to wonder.
Hopefully a day will come,
When I may find all the answers

Forgotten: Poetry by Shane MillerWhere stories live. Discover now