Fourth of July

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All in all, it was a regular family holiday,
Chaos and confrontation at every corner,
Family members stabbing each other in the back,
Only this time around,
It was so much worse.

Nobody can agree why it all went to shit,
Most people probably choose to blame me,
Because why not?
"He's the one who ruins everything,
He's the reason we can't do this.'

But here's MY side of the story.
As usual, it was that one cousin,
Who lets his kids shoot each other, with the damn fireworks,
And then came his wife.

Naturally, she starts cussing him out for his actions,
His complete irresponsibility,
How she was ready to fucking leave,
As she said that right in front of the little kids.
The ones who, probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

Then the chaos started.
Since nobody was watching them,
They just ran amok,
Causing havoc and lunacy wherever they went.
So naturally I get a little stressed.

And that's where the family asshole gets involved,
As per ducking usual.
He starts yelling at me because I'm stressed out,
Acting like I don't even exist.
Then came the fireworks.

Boring, lane, pathetic.
65 dollars just down the drain,
On this low-grade bullshit,
That doesn't measure up to anyone else.
So naturally HE starts it again.

Cussing and swearing that I was getting stressed,
That I was a bit upset.
Which naturally made everything worse.
All he was doing,
Was perpetuating the cycle.

Then it all came to a halt.
As tensions were highest,
I let out a single cry.
"I don't give a fuck!"
At the one moment of silence.

And that was it.
All in all,
It was just another normal family holiday,
Where everyone goes home crying.
Happy fucking Fourth of July.

Forgotten: Poetry by Shane MillerWhere stories live. Discover now