4 | get some personality

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BREAKING NEWS: the TMR characters have more than one personality trait

ex: minho isn't always sassy, gally isn't always mean, thomas isn't always confused, and newt isn't always the sweetest piece of pie

some fanfics have minho in a pissed off mood for the entire book and all he does is spit sarcasm like fire. the boy can be serious, too?? not to mention not all roads of sass lead to minho but i'll get to that later

gally is always portrayed as The Bad Guy Who Hates Everyone™ but you can tell by the book and movie that he cared about the gladers while still mostly respecting their decisions to leave or stay. he didn't want anyone else to die. he literally sacrificed himself to save the others (while demolishing the homestead but still).

and newt is depressed + suicidal so he shouldn't always be a ray of sunshine i mean idk about you but i thought he was pretty sarcastic and mostly done with everyone's bs for almost the entire trilogy (reference: the gathering scene after thomas goes into the maze)

poor thomas is unfortunately seen as the Dumb One™ and is either hyper af, constantly spazzing for no reason, confused at the simplest of things, or just being generally stupid. thomas is very smart. please remember he was one of W.I.C.K.E.D's top subjects and not an airhead!!

all in all please write the characters as actual people and not as flat tools with one personality trait thank you and goodnight

(i'm updating a lot because i literally have like 12 drafts)

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