43 | remembering

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this is a crappy title for what the chapter is about BUT here we go


BOOM. A shudder rippled from beneath me, jostling my body and causing my head to hit something hard. My eyes slowly opened to reveal unfamiliar surroundings. I blinked to clear my vision, sluggishly pushing myself up to a sitting position so I could survey where I was.

I seemed to be in a box of some sort. It was moving upward at a rapid pace, the shaking caused by the rickety thing as it ascended. The floor below me was some sort of metal with small holes in it; it was grimy to the touch and I wiped my hands on my pants to clean them.

The next thing I noticed was that I couldn't remember anything. My head was pounding, the pain increasing when I tried to recall any memory of why I was in such a place.

"HEY!" I shouted as loudly as I could. I hoped someone could hear me.

"Whoa," a male voice came from somewhere near me. I jumped back in surprise, hitting the wall behind me.

The source was a boy maybe sixteen years old, with dark hair and equally as dark eyes. His skin seemed pale in the lack of lighting, making him appear almost ghastly. His raven locks were strewn about his forehead messily. But, most of all, he seemed familiar, and I couldn't place why.

"Wh-Where are we?" I questioned shakily.

"I don't know," the boy replied. Even his voice sent a ripple of familiarity through me. "My name's....Thomas. What's yours?"

And then it hit me as soon as he asked. "Eliza Pegasus Spearmint."

"Cool name." He cracked a grin.

That facial expression was all I needed to piece the puzzle together.

Thomas was my brother.

Thomas was my brother

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alright. where do i begin with this??

i'm 100% positive i wasn't THE FIRST to have my OC be thomas' sibling, because although Different was one of the first newt fics, TMR had also been out for a while before i wrote it. but, as i have stated before, there is a reason thomas and dylan are related; i didn't do it for the heck of it. and i sure as shuck didn't have dylan be like OH MY GOD. HES MY BROTHER as soon as she saw him. rather, it was a series of instincts, memories, and senses that led her to eventually figure it out.

(slight fever code spoilers ahead)

it's just like newt and sonya. they NEVER knew they were siblings after the swipe. granted, they hardly had any scenes together, but still. they were amazingly close from what we can tell from TFC and yet were like total strangers after the trials.

thomas didn't remember newt and minho despite the fact they were best friends before the maze. and he didn't even remember teresa, who was his first ever friend and someone he spent the most time with.

the point is: your oc shouldn't magically remember everyone that was important to them pre-swipe. it's not how our brains work.

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