25 | gally's POV

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poor gally!! i don't agree with anything i say in this, it's just how other people write him.

(prepare to cringe)

Gally's POV

"Quit your shuck cryin'!" I yelled at some random Builder - I hadn't learned anyone's names because I hated everyone - who was burstin' tears out of his eyelids like a shucking waterfall.

"Y-You slammed a hammer on my hand!" the kid blubbered. I rolled my eyes and threw the tool to the side.

"I have no idea what the klunk you're talkin' about," I grumbled. "Now get back to work!"

When I turned around, I saw the new Greenie - our first girl in the Glade. Her name was Delilah Aquamarine Persephone Nestoria, and I hated her the instant I saw her. Why? Because I saw her in my Changing along with some other butt-ugly shank with brown hair. She was the cause of all of this. But I couldn't say anything to anyone yet because Minho was constantly around her like some shuck bodyguard, the klunkhead.

Delilah Aquamarine Persephone Nestoria came marching up to me. Then, she slapped me across the face.

"The shuck was that for?" I screamed over-dramatically, holding a hand to my face. The shank could slap hard despite her being tiny.

"You know what that was for!" she argued. "You messed up Minho's hair!"

The shuck was she on?

"I didn't do nothin', girlie. Now get out of my shucking face or I'll Banish you!"

Tears welled in Delilah Aquamarine Persephone Nestoria's eyes. Her bottom lip trembled, and soon she was sobbing. She turned and ran toward the Homestead.

"Hey, shuck-face!" Minho shouted angrily. I had no idea how he was even there. He should've been in the Maze, but it didn't surprise me that he wasn't. The shank had been takin' free days ever since the Greenie showed up last week. He's in love or somethin'.

Minho punched me in the face before I could yell somethin' back at him. Then he hauled me off to the Slammer.

"You insult my girl again, you're gonna be the one Banished," he growled, then slammed the door shut.



ok so i addressed several points in this

first of all, gally is always portrayed as someone who cares about nobody but himself when in fact he sacrificed himself so nobody would have to die, was upset when he learned he killed chuck, etc. if he was an abusive bully like some fanfics make him out to be, he would not be in a position of such power. gally is more than the angry, muscled antagonist. like he said in The Death Cure, he just really, really hated thomas.

second, for some reason, a female OC will slay someone and the person will say the dumbest thing to her and suddenly she's the victim and is blabbering to the love interest about her problems and gally is so mean bae save me!!!!!!!

third, WHY DOES THE LOVE INTEREST NEVER SEEM TO DO ANY WORK?? they just randomly appear whenever the OC needs them. shouldn't they be at their jobs??? working??? why are they just hanging around the glade, waiting to beat someone up for their significant other???

fourth, gally usually seems to be the one using the most glade slang. sometimes he'll say it in every sentence along with the g's cut off so it's like he's southern or something.

this one was harder to write than newt's because people rarely write in gally's POV but i tried

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