57 | tattoos

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this was a requested chapter! (reminder that if you come across something you want me to write about, you can comment it on the requests chapter at the beginning of the book)

so, as we all know, the gladers each have nicknames given to them by W.I.C.K.E.D that pertain to who they are— not only as a person, but their role in the experiment, as well.

examples in the text include:

thomas, subject a2: to be killed by group b/ the real leader
teresa, subject a1: the betrayer
newt, subject a5: the glue
minho, subject a7: the leader
aris, subject b2: the partner

what can be challenging is to come up with one that's fairly unique but still includes an insight to your character. have no fear— i'm here to help!

here are some examples from my characters:

dylan, subject b1: the error
theo, subject a12: the sun
nadia, subject a6: the aegis
garret, subject a9: the lyre
+bonuses from a new minho story i have in the works!
lea, subject c3: the key
niko, subject a15: the anchor
kiernan, subject a25: the knot

basically, when i was creating these nicknames, i used a simple process. the first thing you want to make sure of is that your character's alias is a noun. it can be an object, a person, or concept, etc, as long as it's a thing. thomas is pretty much the only exception to this because W.I.C.K.E.D is extra i guess and wanted him to be ~*Special*~

the next thing i considered was what my character's role in the glade was. for dylan, it was easy: because her brain rejected the swipe and griever sting, she was named the error. theo was the sun because (SPOILER) he was so lively but was taken so quickly, much like the fake sun in the glade. (END OF SPOILER) nadia was the aegis because she was the protector and support of the glade. lastly, garret was the lyre because of his musical talents. i'm not going to give away the meanings of those future character's' nicknames because that will give the plot away!

that's the thing you really want to think about: what is your characterter like? what is their role in the experiments? what is their endgame? what is their personality? then, you need to find a word you like that will encapsulate their being/essence/etc.

please don't use 'the savior' because i've seen ten fanfictions with that nickname already dear god

i usually use a mixture of nondescript and interesting words— for example, while sun, key, anchor, and knot are pretty average words, aegis and lyre are not. just try not to make it too long because it has to fit on their neck.

i hope this was able to help you!!

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