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a lot of people have the habit of making thomas out to be the reincarnation of karen smith from mean girls, but let me tell ya:

thomas is smart af.

most of the fandom doesn't take that into consideration. i once had someone comment on finality, "he's too smart to be thomas" and another one (on the same paragraph!!!) say, "he is waaaayyyyyy too smart to be thomas."


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i responded to those two comments with the same exact thing: "but thomas is very smart

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i responded to those two comments with the same exact thing: "but thomas is very smart."

i know not all of you have been able to read the fever code yet, but he was solving intricate puzzles and critical thinking questions as early as six years old. and i don't mean like "joey had 50 watermelons and lost 2, sarah took 2, frank found the 2 joey lost, but ate one. how many watermelons does joey have now?"

i mean:

"There's a man in a train station who's lost his wallet. One hundred and twenty-six people stand on the platform with him. There are nine separate tracks, five going south, four going north. Over the next forty-five minutes, twenty-four trains will arrive and depart. Another eighty-five people will enter the station during that time. At least seven people board each train when it arrives, and never more than twenty-two Also, at least ten passengers disembark with each arrival, and never more than eighteen... (etc, the rest isn't given) How many are left standing on the platform?"

and he figured it out. at six years old. granted, it took him a few tries, but still. i don't know about you guys but when i was six i didn't even know multiplication yet. i probably would have cried if someone had me answer that at his age.

thomas was one of W

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thomas was one of W.I.C.K.E.D's best scientists as a teenager, and he knew advanced math + sciences to an incredible extent. the chancellor himself said:

"You're getting older, Thomas, and doing better than almost anyone in the testing program. We think very highly of you..."

it's just one of thomas' flaws that he's clumsy, acts on impulse, and doesn't think through situations well enough before he plans something. my way of thinking about it is that his brain might be working too fast for him to completely assess a situation. it happens to me a lot, too (oops).

i don't know if this is a fact or a joke my mom pulled on me once i told her my IQ, but she said, "i've come to know that it's usually the people with higher IQs who have less common sense."

(thanks, mom.)

however, if there is some truth to it, maybe it's how thomas is. he is incredibly smart; please don't write him as an idiot.

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