16 | page 250

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so literally everyone in the fandom is torn up about the events of page 250. it's understandable. i get it. but, sometimes, it gets out of hand.

"what, kris? what do you mean it gets out of hand?"


i had to delete comments calling dylan a btch for pointing it out

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i had to delete comments calling dylan a btch for pointing it out. most of those say "WE DO NOT SPEAK OF IT SHUT YOUR MOUTH GREENIE"

one of them even said "mind your own dam business" like ok

i even had one of my readers threaten to shoot me in the head for saying i was still going to have him die. no joke. i have the receipts. you don't do that, even as a joke. you do not threaten to kill someone for mentioning your favorite character's death, you do not say you'll harm them in any way, you shouldn't even say, "i hate you." that person who brought it up is a real human being and reading those things are hurtful, no matter if they're "joking" or not.

here are some apparent "trigger warnings" that get people mad when they read TMR fanfics:

1. the word "Crank"
2. any mention of The Flare whatsoever
3. newt getting mad or upset at any point
4. newt talking about The Flare in any context
5. a mention of newt's limp
6. an OC wondering about said limp
7. "have you tried climbing the walls?" "the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top"
8. the number 250
9. newt

if you are a TMR fanfic author, beware if you use any of these, for a flood of enraged comments will likely be bestowed on you. take it from an old veteran of this fandom.

point is, some people need to calm down because yes. newt was depressed in canon. newt was suicidal. newt died. it happened. no matter how much you may try to pretend it didn't, it did. not to mention it makes me and other fanfic authors alike uncomfortable when we or our OCs get called out rudely for mentioning one of the things in the above list.

why wouldn't someone wonder about newt's limp? why wouldn't someone be curious? i mean, i wouldn't ask him about it but it would certainly catch my eye. i know it makes people sad because newt was a beloved character, but not all of our favorites get a happy ending. it's not how life works.

these important issues like depression and suicide cannot be ignored because certain people don't like to admit that their favorite character was a victim of them.

i've decided to reply to all infuriated comments regarding page 250 with this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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