56 | basics of the maze runner

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i got a request to do a chapter on how to start off if you haven't read the books (because the movies lack certain details that would clear up a lot of things) so i just decided to talk about the things that are "basics" or fundamental to the maze runner plotline for anyone who wants to know a little bit more about it!


the thing that erases the Subjects' memories is called the Swipe. one of the hardest things to get across and one of the major things people get confused about is exactly what they remember. things such as muscle memory, math, basic things about being a human, etc are still retained. the only thing that is erased is their background! for example, in chapter one, thomas recalls he knows how to ride a bike, but not who taught him how to. it'd be like remembering chemistry but not knowing who your teacher was. basically, past events and people are erased, but everything else is still there.

i know that we all love some comedic effect, but for the love of god, don't have them talk about beyoncé as if they know exactly who she is (i seriously read one where the girl was wearing a pink crop top and minho was calling himself beyoncé) or other pop culture references. i've placed them as ironic statements in which the gladers make a reference but don't know that they're making a reference (my character dylan put on claws and said 'call me wolverine' but she didn't know he was a superhero).


the Box brings up supplies weekly (such as animals, clothes, seeds, wood, and anything else they would need) and new members arrive monthly. this is inaccurate in the movies because thomas arrives with a crapload of other stuff. the Gladers often leave notes in the box suggesting things (like new running shoes if they're getting worn out or something) and the Creators will send them if they deem it necessary.

the major "landmarks" of the Glade are the Homestead, Blood House, Map Room, and Deadheads. the Homestead is the main building of the Glade where all of the Keepers sleep, meetings are held, sick people are kept, etc. the Blood House is where the Slicers work, hence he name. the Map Room is where the Runners draw maps of the Maze every day after running. finally, the Deadheads is basically the name for the forest!


the jobs in the Glade are: Med-jacks, Slicers, Runners, Cooks, Baggers, Builders, Track-hoes, and Sloppers.

med-jacks are their form of doctors (clint, jeff)

slicers are butchers (winston)

runners explore the maze (minho, formerly newt, ben in the movies, thomas)

cooks make the meals (frypan)

baggers take care of dead bodies (some irrelevant people you won't recognize)

builders fix everything in the glade and also build things like chairs, tables, beds, etc. (gally, ben in the books)

bricknicks are like builders, except they actually make/repair buildings (lmao i always thought this was the builders' job but i'm wrong) (everyone forgets about them)

track-hoes are the gardeners. they grow and harvest the crops (zart)

sloppers basically clean up after everyone. if you can't do anything else, you become one (chuck)

each of these jobs has a Keeper who is the boss of everyone. these Keepers make up the Council, which decides on important matters via meetings called Gatherings. this is like what they did when thomas ended up going into the maze after minho

thomas is basically as observant as a brick wall, so the only known keepers are winston, zart, frypan, gally, and minho. the rest are unnamed.


i've already made a chapter on this, but here are the slang words

shuck: f*ck/shit
slinthead: idiot
shank: a name that can be used in either derogatory or endearing ways
greenie/greenbean: new addition to the glade
good that: see paragraph under for explanation
klunk: crap
klunkhead: idiot
shuck-face: just a derogatory term in general
slim it: shut up, be calm, be quiet, etc
jacked: messed up

i'm probably missing some but oh well

"good that" is really hard to explain?? it's like if thomas said "i'm going to go get food" and newt replied with "good that." maybe it can be a substitute for "good idea"?


•"keeping canon in canon"
•"basic writing tips"
•"the beginning chapter"

i hope this will help you! if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask (:

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