20 | replacing characters

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okay listen up: just because you don't like a character doesn't mean you have to completely remove them from your story.

say you don't like alby and so you erase him from existence and replace him with your own character. or maybe you hate aris' guts and create an oc named abis in his place.

but the point is, if you remove even one character from the maze runner, the entire course of the series would change drastically. if zart didn't exist, thomas would've been in the slammer for a lot longer. if winston didn't exist, who would've gotten attacked by the metal ball?

i've seen this a lot but mostly pretaining to the fact that they replace teresa with the OC. and let me tell you. no.

teresa is one of the most important characters in the entire series. she triggered the ending, created everything, had a special bond with thomas, helped them escape the maze, had that whole group b situation, etc. if she didn't exist, there would be a lot of things that would be different. so, unless you want to have your OC just be a different version of teresa and fill all of her roles, please just keep her in your story.

if you cut her out you may as well cut minho or newt or heck even thomas out as well

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