Nine - Twilight's Last Gleaming - II

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\Nine - Twilight's Last Gleaming - II\

Chapter Song - Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray (Though I prefer the punk goes pop version.)

"Grey?" Someone said, shaking my shoulder. "Grey, wake up."

My head pulsed, aching, as I was propped up against a log like a rag-doll. I looked up to see Bellamy standing over me. My hand went directly to the crusted blood in the back of my skull. "We need to get you back to camp." Bellamy said, pulling my up. The last thing I could pull up in my memory was hearing radio static.

I instantly stumbled, my vision blurry. I was dizzy, really dizzy. I nearly fell back down before Bellamy caught me. "What happened?" I asked, gripping his forearm as if it was my lifeline, the gross feeling in the middle on my throat not subsiding like I'd hoped.

"You, uh, passed out and hit your head on a rock." He said, holding me up.

"I don't feel good, Bellamy." I stated, swallowing the lump in my throat. I put my hand over my face as I was set back down.

"Hey, Grey, talk to me. What's wrong?" Bellamy said, his thumb grazing my cheek. Before I had the chance to respond, I turned to my side, and vomited. Bellamy held my hair back from landing in the dirt-mixed vile, and his hand rested on my back, near my shoulder. Once I had finished he asked, "Can you stand? We need to get you to Clarke."

I nodded weakly. "I'm just dizzy."

"Do you need me to carry you?" He asked, helping me up again. I shook my head no, I could hold my own. I tried to put one foot in front of the other, but my vision was completely disorientated, and I knew I was walking about as strait as circle. "C'mon, Grey, you cant even walk in a strait line."

Just as I was about to protest, my feet were lifted up from underneath me, Bellamy's forearms resting under my knees and my neck. "Just close your eyes and breathe. And try not to puke all over me."

He continued walking, and I clenched my thumb in my hand, hoping the nausea would subside soon. And it did, along with the dizziness that had once surrounded me.

"Bell. Bell, you can put me down now." I said.

"Are you still dizzy, or light headed?" He asked, slowing down. I shook my head no, and he placed me gently back into my feet. "You could have a concus-"

"HEY!" I whipped my head around to see Clarke staggering towards Bellamy and I. I rolled my eyes, turning around. She ran up to Bellamy, gripping is shoulder and shoving him back. "Where is it?"

Where was what?

"Hey, taking a walk through the woods now, princess?" Bellamy replied, any hint of affection he once held- gone.

"There getting ready to kill 300 people up there to save oxygen," Clarke shouted, hinting at the ark. "And I can I can guarantee you it won't be any counsel members. It will be working people," Clarke pointed her finger to Bellamy's chest. "Your people."

What is going on?

I caught a glimpse of Finn running towards, then ramming Bellamy straight into me. I fell to the mossy dirt, and stared up at the two boys. "Bellamy, where is the radio." Finn demanded, his jaw clenched.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Bellamy growled back, pushing Finn, then closing in on his face.

"Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you." An olive skinned girl announced, looking him up and down.

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