Seven - Murphy's Law - II

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\Seven - Murphy's Law - II\


 "What the hell do you think you're doing? Just because we saved you, doesn't mean you're forgiven. Got it?"

Clarke's voice was full of dread, and the sneer buckled onto her face seemed to be a ploy to hide her grief. She shoved Charlotte's arm back, causing the young girl to stumble ever so slightly.

"Clarke," Finn spoke, touching her shoulder, and guiding her away from Charlotte's hurt expression.


"She's just a kid."

"No, she's a killer!"  She grabbed her kneeling at her height and embedding her hurt onto the younger girl. "You killed someone Charlotte, ended his life! Did you stop to think about that for even one second?"

Charlotte made an attempt to look away, catching my eye with desperation."Look at me! You can't just kill someone to make yourself fe-"

"Clarke, that's enough," I said pushing her away from Charlotte. I turned to the young girl and bowed to her height. I knew how she felt, the aggressive guilt that it had caused me when I ended the lives of three individuals. I hugged her and her chin rested on my shoulder as she stifled her cries. "Hey, it's okay. We all make mistakes."

Murphy's voice sounded from the dense forest.

"We should run,"

Finn muttered while reaching down and opening a metal hatch, then ushering us inside. I took Charlotte's hand in mine and guided her ahead of me.

I followed Clarke down the ladder, into a seemingly black hole, that was until she turned her flashlight on. I couldn't quite tell what we were in, but there were two shelves to either side of me, and gray stone everywhere else. There was something like a kitchen, and some baby pictures laid all around. I picked up a pencil- I had never seen a real one before, not a material that was easy to manufacture in space- and shoved it into my pocket for later use.

"-it's home" Finn had just finished saying, my eyebrows drew near to each other.

I looked to find any paper, but failed quickly, realizing if I brought back undamaged paper back to camp, someone would find out about this place.


Finn laid a large duvet over Charlotte's sleeping body, tucking it in around her sides. As I blew out the last match, Clarke and Finn started debating quietly about whether or not to reveal this place to the others.

Being locked in a cage for roughly five years had gifted me the ability to draw well, and quickly. If I had only a lunch hour to sketch Octavia's youthful face, I would finish it then. I'd fallen in love with capturing her, and other faces dotted around the cell block, after all, it was draw or sleep.

I was humming a tune my mother was fond of, from one of those old movies. 'Over the Rainbow', I think it was called. I sat against charlottes bed, half-hazard sketching the fondly arguing duo a few feet from me.

"That's pretty." A  quant voice spoke up from beside me. I looked to see Charlotte peering at my drawing. "Well, the drawing and your voice, too. But I like the song. Where did you learn it?"

"My. . . caretaker used to sing it to me so I could fall asleep. She said it was from a movie from way back, called The Wizard of OZ." I said, smiling at her.

"I like it." Charlotte said, sitting up. She then walked around for a few seconds, then turned to me with a gentle smile. "Maybe I'll get to see what's over the rainbow."

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