Thirteen - Contents Under Pressure - II

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\Thirteen - Contents Under Pressure - II\

I jumped at the four loud bangs on the hatch door, and a shout from Clarke. If I'm going to be on the ground for the rest of my life, I need to stop being so scared all the time. A few more bangs and shouts later, Clarke was back on the third level of the drop-ship.

She walked straight up to Lincoln with the knife that had been stabbed in-between Finn's ribs, and she shoved it directly in his face. "What the hell was on this."

"Clarke?" I asked softly, trying to calm her down anyway I could. "What are you talking about."

"He poisoned this!" Clarke shouted, waving the knife around. I closed my eyes, and pointed my nose to the ground. Poison. "All this time, he knew Finn was going to die- NO MATER WHAT WE DID! WHAT IS IT?!" Clarke shouted, scared and angered at the same time. "IS THERE AN ANTIDOTE?"

"Clarke- He doesn't understand you." Octavia said, and I huffed in annoyance. The ground is so much more complicated than in the rainbow movie.

"The vials." I suggested, and Bellamy nodded, turning and grabbing them from the case they sat on. Clarke tossed the knife to the floor, and began to look through the medicine, muttering about how stupid it would be to have a poison without an antidote.

"Which one?" Clarke pleaded, holding them out.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy demanded. I could feel the tension rise and I looked to him.

"Please? They'll hurt you." I said in a whisper, cracking my knuckles due to my nerves. He still didn't answer, and stared straight ahead.

"Show us, please." Octavia pleaded as well, pointing to the metal tin.

"Which one?!" Clarke shouted at him again, tightening her grip on the can. "OUR FRIEND IS DYING DOWN THERE- AND YOU CAN STOP IT!"


"I'll get him to talk." Bellamy growled, walking forward with a shout erupting from both Octavia and I. "HE WANTS FINN TO DIE? WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?" He then turned to Clarke. "Do you want him to live or not?"

She didn't respond- she was debating it. "Clarke." I warned her. I don't want Finn to die, but torture will get us nowhere.

"You said it yourself, this is not who we are!" Octavia finished for me. "He was protecting me- HE SAVED MY LIFE!"

"Mine too, may I add." I chimed in, my hands enclosed around the back of my neck, and my had thrown back. The two Blakes and my own sibling gave me a confused look. "And Jasper's, with the help of his friend."

"We are talking about Finn's life. That doesn't matter right now. What matters is keeping Finn alive." Bellamy shouted at Octavia and I, and I rubbed my temple before looking to Lincoln who stared right back.

"Do it." Clarke said, and I could feel bile rising up in my throat.

"I'm sorry." I said, feeling a familiar panicked feeling in the pit of my stomach. "This. . . this isn't right."

The two boys held Octavia, and Clarke pulled me back, away from the grounder as Bellamy tore a red seat-belt from behind Lincoln. I kept my gaze fixated on him. This wasn't right.

Bellamy ripped the gray shirt from his body, and threw it to the ground. "Grey, get out of here." Bellamy said too me, flipping the lash off his shoulder and into his hand.

" off." I said to him, anger radiating off me.

"Grey, please." Octavia butted in, "You going to have a panic attack or something. You don't need to see this."

"Octavia," I looked to her, "I'll leave if you do. Willingly."

Silence passed through the group, and I looked back at Lincoln. I heard the first whip hit his body with a snap, and a groan from him, and I scrunched my face up. I knew what that felt like- It was a distant memory that continued to get closer with every hit.


"You deserve this."


"Worthless slut."


I was shaking, and I felt myself being lowered to the floor. My eyes were clenched closed, and my hands tried to mask the sounds of the metal meeting Lincoln's skin. I could feel my heart beating in my throat, and I felt the world closing in on me.


I could feel a few stray tears bead down my face. This is my fault. My breathing was uneven and when I opened my eyes, black dots were clouding my vision of Octavia kneeling infront of me. I couldn't hear her, though. I could only hear the metal meeting skin repetitively.


"Stop." I muttered repetitively, with the limited breath I still had. The noise stopped, and Bellamy's face replaced Octavia's. I let out a shout and backed away. "Get away from me." I whispered. "Don't hurt me, please."

The black dots disappeared and I felt sick. At least I was breathing properly.

Bellamy shook his head and looked down, almost ashamed? He moved away as sounds slightly began to register around me again.

"Don't hurt me." I said again, and I felt arms around me. I nearly shouted before realizing it was Octavia.

"Grey, you're safe. No-one is going to hurt you, okay?" I nodded, trying to steady my breathing. Other than Clarke, who was still begging, and Octavia, who understood what was wrong, I received looks of pity from the other teens in the room. I don't want to be pitied.

I slowly stood up at the same time I saw Bellamy shove a large metal chunk into Lincoln's hand, which started to shake a little worse than I had been moments ago. I closed my eyes, I need to stop this.

Although I was now fully calmed down, I wasn't paying attention to anyone's conversations- rather, I didn't care. Raven was up here now, and I bent down and examined the knife my sister had thrown to the floor earlier.

I flinched and dropped it as sparks flew around the room, and I caught sight of Raven shoving the wires on Lincoln's body, shocking him and confusing the electricity system. She was shouting, and I had regained control of my conscious completely along with the knife I just dropped.

I turned and threw the weapon harshly at the wall behind me, somehow managing to have it stick in there. Everyone's eyes were on me as I screamed. "E-N-O-U-G-H!"

"He's letting Finn die! What do you mean- Enough?" Raven shouted, pointing at Lincoln with the wires.

I looked to the medicine lying at his feet. He listened to me before- he'll do it again. I hope.

"Which one is it?" I asked Lincoln is the foreign language that felt native on my tongue. He didn't answer, so I raised my voice. "LINCOLN TELL ME. NOW."

Lincoln looked to me, and tried to huff out the answer. But I guess being whipped, stabbed, then electrocuted doesn't leave much room for talking.

Octavia keeled, pointing to each vial until Lincoln had nodded. It was the one on the far right. Octavia handed the vial to Clarke then she and Raven rushed off to Finn.

Everyone else just stared at me. "What?" I asked, rather angrily. Bellamy went to place his hand on my shoulder, and Octavia shouted at him not to touch me. His hand stayed in the air for a moment, then he backed away. I helped Octavia off of the floor. "Thank you." I said to Lincoln, and headed down the first floor alone, and in on Clarke with tears running down her face.

"Clarke?" I asked softly, looking at my twin with my eyebrows turned up, wiping my own tears off my face.

She looked at me, trying to hold her tears in. "I can't do this." She whispered.

I walked closer to her, slowly, then hugged her, and she latched onto me, and we cried like a couple would in an old romantic movie. . . without the romance.

"Clarke." I stated, pulling back and looking directly into her bright blue eyes. "If I can do this- so can you."

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