chapter 1

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Cherry, Atticus, Mo, Patch, and Drell were in Cherry's bedroom, looking into her closet where she had kept Sarah Ravencroft's spell book since the defeat of both Ben and Sarah when she and Atticus had first met Scooby-Doo and Mystery Inc.

"Where is it!?" Cherry threw out her clothes and anything else kept in her closet. "I know I had it here!"

"Maybe someone somehow stole it." Mo said.

"Or maybe you lied to my face again." Drell folded his arms.

"No, I swear, I had it in here!" Cherry grabbed her hair in a frenzy.

"Then where is it!?" Drell growled.

"I don't know!" Cherry groaned.

Patch went into the closet and did a sniff around, he then found a yellow and crinkly piece of paper and came out with it in his mouth like he had found a clue.

"A yellow and crinkly piece of paper?" Mo said, confused.

Drell bent down, taking the paper from Patch's mouth, he winced at the slobber at first, then adjusted his glasses to read aloud the note. "'Dear Malovea's granddaughter, I have heard about what you have done to the late Sarah Ravencroft and her great-great-grandson and I plan to use the spell book for my evil and personal use and I have heard from my Oracle that a ten-year-old witch girl named Wendy will be able to defeat me, but I'm going to turn the tables on her and use Sarah to help me destroy her and you will not be able to stop me. Evilly yours, Desmond Spellman'."

"Who's Desmond Spellman?" Atticus asked.

"'Desmond Spellman'?" Cherry asked. "Is he related to the Spellman family?"

"Yes, he's Edward's evil twin." Drell nodded.

"How cliche..." Cherry rolled her eyes slightly.

"You all deserve a right to know this, but every Spellman is born with a twin," Drell informed them. "Sabrina and Zelda's evil twins live in the other realm prison. Desmond Spellman is a very evil warlock, he was very powerful at his time... He was very frighteningly evil."

"Was he worse than you?" Cherry asked.

Drell slowly turned his head to her.

"I'll shut up..." Cherry backed up.

"So what did he mean when he said he would turn the tables on Wendy?" Patch asked.

"According to the Oracle, Wendy would be able to defeat him despite being a young witchling," Drell said as he folded up the paper. "He wants to kill her and he's going to use Sarah Ravencroft's stronger magic to help him destroy her since she'll become a great witch in the future."

"That's terrible! Can't we do something to make sure that he doesn't kill her?" Mo asked.

"We can help her aunts," Drell said. "Zelma, Thelma, and Velma..." he then did a sleight of hand in his fingertips and made an image of Wendy the Good Little Witch appear. "Here she is..." he then showed them all a little blonde girl with baby blue in a red dress with a red hat and a giant broomstick in her hand.

Cherry took it and looked a little surprised. "She looks like my Aunt Barb."

"Could she be a relative of Cherry's?" Mo asked.

"Sounds likely..." Drell remarked. "Her mother was adopted."

"Yes, my mother was adopted by my grandparents and my Aunt Barb is my grandmother's natural daughter." Cherry explained.

"Maybe Wendy's your little cousin..." Drell suggested.

"I have two cousin Wendys?" Cherry held her head. "That's confusing..."

Cherry's Adventures of Casper Meets WendyWhere stories live. Discover now