chapter 22

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"And that is that." Drell said.

"I can't believe you guys actually helped." Cherry said to the Ghostly Trio.

"Ah, we figured Short Sheet couldn't have all the fun." Stretch replied.

"Whatever you say." Cherry rolled her eyes with a smirk.

Wendy's aunts soon hugged her as they showed true love and affection for her.

"Oh, sure, now you care about your niece." Drell folded his arms at them.

Gert soon stood up and walked over, clearing her throat to the three ghosts. "My sisters and I want to, um, th-umm... Tha-uh... Thank! My sisters and I want to thank you."

'Looks like they are experiencing love.' Drell thought to himself.

"Okay, but don't expect it all the time." Stretch told Gert.

The ghost men and the witch women seemed to be smiling to each other after they became friends and much more than that even later in life.

"Attention, please listen!" The oracle spoke up. "Desmond is now gone and Wendy is the greatest, but this isn't the last of King Sombra!"

Wendy giggled as she was praised much to the shock of her aunts.

"Congrats, Wendy." Cherry said.

"She did things no other can boast!" The oracle continued. "This little witch befriended a ghost! So Wendy is the greatest, it is her prize, I select, someday she'll be Queen, so show some respect!"

"Whoa." Drell said.

Wendy's aunts then smiled to her, though it seemed more like sucking up.

"I still think Wendy needs better guardians than those three, but who?" Drell hummed in thought of who could be better caretakers than Gert, Fanny, and Gabby. "I'll have to think about that."

"This might take a while." Cherry joked.

Drell growled as he leaned over her with his hands shaking, but he restrained himself from hurting her since Atticus was there.

The next day soon came and it was time for everyone to go home.

Drell was kicking a can down the street until he looked over to see a familiar witch woman and gasped before running up to her. "HILDA!"

Hilda turned to him and hugged him as they were reunited. "I'm so happy you're all right." She sighed in sweet relief.

"I'm happy you're all right too..." Drell said before they buried each other with kisses.

Cherry gagged and pointed to her mouth in disgust of their public display of affection. Soon enough, they were finished.

"Guys, wait!" Casper soon rushed over with bags and supplies, though came to Wendy. "So, you're leaving, huh? Us too."

"Guess this is goodbye..." Wendy sighed to him.

"Yeah, I guess," Casper sighed back. "Listen, I just wanted to say, I'm really gonna miss you."

"Oh, will you two kiss already?" Mo asked.

Casper and Wendy looked over nervously. Wendy soon sent Casper's bags away with her magic before kissing Casper which made him blush.

"Finally." Mo smiled.

"Goodbye, Ghost Boy." Wendy said before flying off with her aunts.

Casper waved away bashfully as this was goodbye between him and Wendy.

"Aw!" Mo smiled.

Wendy and her aunts soon flew off back home. Casper then went to be back home with his uncles with them carrying the luggage.

"See ya, Sunny Brite Resort, it's been... Friendly." Casper said before chuckling and going after his uncles on their way back to Whipstaff Manor.


"I'll take this, thank you." Drell took Sarah Ravencroft's spell book from Cherry.

"What?" Cherry asked. "Why?"

"It'll be safer with me, Butterfingers." Drell replied.

"Fine." Cherry pouted.

"That's a good little monkey." Drell roughly patted Cherry on the head.

"One of these days..." Cherry glared.

"I'm so proud of all of you though for helping defeat Edward's evil twin, that's not really easy." Drell smiled.

"We know." Atticus said.

"Oh, I could kiss you all," Drell replied. "I should reward you all."

"Ooh." Mo smiled.

"I'll think about it," Drell smiled and walked away. "See ya guys later."

"See ya later." Atticus said.

Drell smiled as he then left them to go see Hilda.

"Another happy ending." Patch smiled.

"Yep." Atticus smiled.

"And nothing bad happened to me..." Cherry said. "Other than that blood-bending and making Ariel's sisters mad."

"You made them mad?" Atticus asked.

"They got mad that I didn't know their names." Cherry explained.

"Yep, that would do it." Mo replied.

Atticus sighed and shook his head to her. "Attina, Aquata, Alana, Adella, Arista, and Adriana." he then told her.

Cherry slowly blinked. "Oh... I get it..." she then said, though still sounded lost.

"You're still lost, aren't you?" Atticus asked.

"I didn't ask to be a mermaid, ya know!" Cherry replied.

"I know." Atticus said.

Cherry sighed. "I'll never get used to this life."

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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