chapter 10

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Atticus and Drell even got two boulders out of their way by lifting them both with just hand each and saw the cottage they were looking for.

"Ha!" Drell smirked. "I bet that's the cottage."

"Think we'll meet Hansel and Gretal?" Atticus joked.

Drell glanced at him, forced out a laugh, then walked ahead. "Come on!"

"But first." Atticus said as he took the second boulder from the strong warlock and then chucked the two boulders out into space.

"That better not hit the moon..." Drell said. "I got a date planned for there.... Hilda and I are gonna go up there, we used to date on the moon all the time, it's the most romantic spot for magical creatures."

"I'm sure it won't hit the moon, maybe the sun or just fly off to a different galaxy." Atticus shrugged.

"You better hope so..." Drell said as he was creeping over to the cottage.

Atticus followed after him and the two ducked down and popped their heads up as they looked through one window. There was a lumpy bed shown that belonged to a little girl and an alarm clock was ticking as it was about to ring and wake up the little girl sleeping in the bed.

"Looks like she's about to wake up." Atticus whispered.

"Guh, I hate alarm clocks..." Drell shuddered.

Suddenly, a ringing was heard, making them duck down further. The person who slept in the bed emerged from under the messy covers, showing a cute little blonde girl in red pajamas.

"So, what do we do now?" Atticus whispered.

"Maybe we should let her aunts know we're here..." Drell crawled to the front door.

"Are you sure?" Atticus asked. "Is this right?"

"The question of 'Am I right?' is a rhetorical question because I'm always right!" Drell retorted.

"Alright, alright, let's go." Atticus said.

Drell then stood up and knocked on the front door. There were three adult female voices heard after the ringing of the alarm clock.

One sister answered the door who seemed to have ebony hair that matched her eyes, she recognized Drell instantly and squeaked out of fear. "I didn't know you made house calls!"

"Calm down." Atticus said.

"Hello, Gabby," Drell smiled peacefully. "Are your sisters home?"

"Of course," Gabby nodded. "Um, they aren't in trouble are they?"

"Not at all." Drell folded his arms.

"We're here because of a legend." Hilda said before Cherry, Mo, Patch, Angel, and Scamp arrived.

Drell and Atticus turned in surprise to see them.

"Only cottage in the woods..." Cherry panted as she was slightly out of breath. "Phew..."

"Friends of yours?" Gabby asked.

"More or less..." Drell shrugged with a smile. "May we come in?"

Gabby then walked Drell and the others inside the cottage, then looked to Cherry.

"Hey, Aunt Gabby..." Cherry greeted.

"Hello, dear." Gabby smiled before looking at Atticus and she started to get shivers.

Atticus glanced at Gabby, wondering why she seemed anxious around him. Gert was stirring a cauldron, she had platinum blonde hair with sapphire eyes and Fanny was sitting at the table, she had dark red hair with emerald eyes.

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